
Rishi Sunak Becomes UK Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak has been elected as the new leader of the Conservative Party and will now be named the UK prime minister.

He has announced as the new leader of the UK in a tweet on the Conservative’s Twitter handle on Monday.

He will become the UK’s first British Asian PM and at 42, the youngest in more than a century.

It has not yet been confirmed when he will formally become prime minister

Rishi Sunak has just gone into a room of backbench Tory MPs, accompanied by some of his loyal backers.

He is receiving a rapturous round of applause and banging of fists on desks by Tory MPs in the room.

Remember, a lot of them wanted him to be prime minister earlier this summer too after he came top of the MPs’ rounds of voting in the first leadership race. That was before he lost out to Liz Truss in the party members’ vote.

Tory MPs have a habit of banging fists on tables in this parliamentary room where they meet regularly as a signal of approval.

Now, the volume of said “bangs” is no scientific measure.

But I sit in and around a lot of these meetings, and it’s fair to say that Rishi Sunak is currently getting an incredibly loud reception from his backbenchers as he addresses them.

Standing outside the room there are audible cheers, very loud banging on the desks, and some even banging on the doors.

The former environment secretary George Eustice said he told MPs there was a big challenge ahead but that they were “in it together.”


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