Home politics Sir withdrawing the veil and strangling it .. Ashwaq loses her life...

Sir withdrawing the veil and strangling it .. Ashwaq loses her life while working in her father’s mill in Sohag


Monday 03/Mar/2025 – 01:52 AM

At the end of the second decade of life, a girl breathed her last, inside her father’s mill during the work, where she turned to her on the walk of the mill, which led to her suffocation and the transfer of the body to the Dar Al Salam Central Hospital in Sohag Governorate.

A girl was killed inside the mill mill in Sohag

Major General Sabri Saleh Azab, Assistant Minister of the Interior, and Director of Sohag Security, received a notification from Major General Mahmoud Taha, Director of Criminal Investigation in Sohag, stating that the invited Ashwaqa MA – 18 years old, does not work to the Dar Al Salam Central Hospital, a dead body, a claim of suffocation of the biographies of Gesh mill, and his resident at the Dar Al Salam Center.

Immediately, the policemen, the concerned agencies moved, and by the corpse debate, it was found that she was wearing all her clothes and a neck wound, and there are no other apparent injuries.

Both her father, 46, the owner of a crusher, and witnessed the incident, Abdul Radhi, 49 years old, an agricultural worker, and a residence in the same way during the presence of the aforementioned with the mill of her father in the same way. To display the competent investigation authorities.



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