Thursday 20/Feb/2025 – 12:13 AM
The security forces in the Fayoum Governorate managed to arrest a person named “Ali C.” who is accused of killing his wife, “Hasna M.M.” Shafa in the second department department, Fayoum.
The arrest of his wife’s killer in Fayoum
The security services in Fayoum had received a notification of a report stating that a murder occurred in the Sheikha Shafa neighborhood, in the second Fayoum police department department, and the death of a housewife.
Immediately, the security services moved to the scene of the accident, headed by the Commissioner of the Second Police Department, Fayoum, and it was found that the killing of “Hasna M.”, 25 years old, a housewife at the hands of her husband, called “Ali C.” inside her father’s house in the Sheikha Shafa neighborhood, where the accused ended his wife’s life 4 fatal stabs in different parts of the body in front of her mother and three children, due to marital and financial differences between them.
The body was transferred to the morgue of Al -Fayoum General Hospital, the report was released, and the Public Prosecution was notified of the investigation, which ordered the husband to be imprisoned for 4 days pending investigations.