With the advent of March 21 every year we celebrate the occasion of Mother’s Day, that woman who made from our lives a painting full of hope and warmth, as the word “mother” carries with it great meanings such as sacrifice and patience, and on this day we celebrate mothers and honor them in appreciation of them.
The first to celebrate Mother’s Day
The ancient Egyptians are the first to celebrate Mother’s Day as a sacred feast, which continued until the era of the Ptolemies, where many papyri were found from the cold books of the dead, which was mentioned in Mother’s Day, which was found in the tombs of the modern state, which contained texts to pray for the mother on this holiday.
The Mother’s Day was for the ancient Egyptians in the last months of the flood of the Nile, where the fertile land filled with the seeds of life, specifically the month of Harator according to the ancient Egyptian calendar, and the name of Harator or Hathor came from the worshipers of the beauty of the ancient Egyptians, breastfeeding the idol Hur.
The ancient Egyptians and Mother’s Day
The ancient Egyptians likened the mother to the Nile River, which calls for life and good, and considered the statue of Isis carrying her son Horus as a symbol of the mother’s feast, where they put him in the mother’s room surrounded by flowers and gifts presented on Mother’s Day.
It was said that the innocents of the wise that were found included advice for the children obedience to the mother, including the wise Sinp Hudab, who commanded the children to double the giving to the mother and give her tenderness and food, and also commanded them to take care of the mother at her old age, as she is from our campaign in our childhood, while praying for her.
Models of the greatest mothers over time
Mrs. Hajar
She is one of the most powerful women throughout history, when she left with her son Ismail in a non -planted valley, and she was facing great challenges.
In spite of the lack of resources, it did not lose hope, but rather started looking for water and food, and took place between Safa and Marwah with anxiety and love, to show us a vivid example of the strength of faith and trust in God, and thanks to her patience and dedication, she opened the care of God, the well of Zamzam, who became a symbol of life and water.
Umm Moses
Which represents caution, faith, endurance and patience, when she received inspiration to throw her son in the river, she did this without hesitation because God promised her to return to her, and that great trust was the reason for saving the life of her son Moses, peace be upon him, and her story shows how motherhood requires great courage, even in times of danger.
Mrs. Maryam
An example of patience and struggle, despite the difficult circumstances she faced, including society’s looks and rulings, she relied on her strong faith, endured the birth of Christ alone, and faced the dismay that came with the king’s desire to eliminate her son, but she trusted that God was with her, protected her and protected her child.