Dubai Way

The results of control and inspection operations on licensing activities in the emirate during 2024 showed a 20% increase in the commitment of licensing...

Ramos raises controversy after his first expulsion in the Mexican League: “I will not...

In a controversial statement, Spanish star Sergio Ramos commented on the first red card...

“The sages of Muslims” spread the values ​​of peace and coexistence

The envoys of the Muslim Wise Council participated in the United States of America to revive the nights of Ramadan and spread enlightened moderate...

UAE and America .. A partnership for development and promotion of global stability

The strategic partnership between the United Arab Emirates and the United States of America is based on more than 5 decades of coordination and...

Nawaf Al -Aqidi’s agent reveals the fact that he forced him to apologize to...

Meshaal Al -Safa’i, the agent of Nawwaf Al -Aqidi, the current Al -Fateh goalkeeper...