Sheikh Ahmed Mabalghi: The nation’s unity is an essential pillar for...
Sheikh Ahmed Mablghi stressed,...
Sheikh bin Farid: The UAE is an important strategic partner for...
The first -class general staff officer at the Defense Export Promotion Agency in Pakistan «DePo) and the Pakistani wing official at the IDEX 2025...
Applying the international baccalaureate system in a number of Saudi schools
The application of the international baccalaureate system
The King Faisal Charitable Foundation and the International Baccalaureate Organization announced the development of cooperation...
Uzbekistan aspires to expand its defensive exports
Saeed Karim Kazzam Khodgayev, the marketing official of the Defense Industries Agency in Uzbekistan, confirmed that his country's participation in the "IDEX 2025" exhibition...
The king receives senior participants in the Islamic -Islamic Dialogue Conference
His Majesty King Hamad...
Partnership for maintenance and Umrah aircraft engines
Abu Dhabi: “The Gulf”, the Sanad Group, the leading global company in the field of aviation engineering and rental solutions owned by Mubadala Investment...