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A German study raises the alarm about Tik -Tok addiction


Electronic applications such as Tek Tok, Instagram, YouTube, and electronic games are a more serious threat to adolescents compared to alcoholic drinks and hemp, as a new study in Germany showed, highlighting the number of adolescents who have addictive and dangerous habits related to digital media.

“We are facing a tsunami from young addiction disorders, which I think we are completely reduced,” said Rennir Thomasius, medical director of the German Center for Children’s Addiction and Portfolio at the University of the Medical Center Hamburg-Ebinderov, who conducted the study in cooperation with the DAK health insurance company.

The study concluded that more than a quarter of the ages of 10 to 17 years of age show a serious or large use of social media, while 4.7% are addicted to the use of social media according to experts.

“The numbers related to the use of problems with problems are higher by five to fifty times compared to the serious consumption of hemp and alcohol in this age group,” Thomasius told German News Agency (DPA).

Although the use of social media, unlike alcohol or cannabis, has an indirect effect on the central nervous system of one, the same effects apply to what is scientifically known as the “brain reward system”.

Thomasius added that in both cases, there is a risk of addiction “where a pursuit of more and more happens and the loss of control occurs.”

He explained: “The great amount of time is consumed in the use of social media applications that leads to neglecting other aspects of life.”

It is noteworthy that the loss of control of one’s behavior in dealing with social media applications can have serious repercussions on the lives of young people.

In many cases, this can lead to a decrease in academic performance, and often the failure. Moreover, social isolation and loss of interest in recreational means and family disputes occurs.

According to the study, the boys are the most affected in particular, as 6% of them apply the criterion for the use of pathological social media, while the number for girls is about 3.2%.

Thomasius says girls often have greater social skills during adulthood. They practice social skills differently according to their gender -based role, and isolates themselves at a lower pace than boys, and this is a major factor when it comes to strong addiction.

He pointed out that the difference between the use of dangerous and satisfactory social media applications is not always clear. “One of the usual early symptoms is the decline in academic performance and the loss of interest in lessons,” he said. However, the crisis of puberty or emotional disorder caused by pressure among school friends can be the cause of such problems.

The use of social media applications is classified as satisfactory when symptoms last for at least 12 months. The study intentionally used the 12 -month standard to avoid early diagnoses and to ensure discrimination from temporary crises during the puberty period.

Thomasius explains that parents should intervene quickly, before addiction develops, if young people use social media seriously. It is important for parents to use their intuition and have a good relationship with the son or daughter.

In addition to the continuous organization of the time and content of the use of social media applications, it is especially important for parents to show interest in their children’s electronic activities, Thomasius said. “They must provide guidance. They must be good teachers and supervisors,” he added.



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