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Obliging a private hospital to pay 42 thousand dinars for a late wages for a doctor


The Grand Labor Court obligated a private hospital to pay 42 thousand dinars for a plastic surgeon with a work surgery and failed to pay his salary before it ended his work contract. The court also obliged her to suit the lawsuit fees, executive formula, and in exchange for attorney fees.

The representative of the doctor, lawyer Hanan Hammouda, indicated that her client had filed his lawsuit, indicating that he joined the work of the owner of the individual institution (a private hospital) as a specialist in a plastic surgery specialist, in January 2022, with a monthly salary of 3 thousand dinars, and in October 2024 it was agreed amicably to end the work relationship, but that the defendant did not commit to pay the claimants of the plaintiff demanded, which are the late wages at 35100 dinars, The annual leave allowed for the period of his service for an amount of 6 thousand dinars, and the end of the service reward for a total of 3250 dinars, and requested that the defendant be obligated to the expenses and for the law fees.

The hospital’s representative tried to claim that the doctor’s salary is only a thousand dinars, while applying for the end of service bonus and the travel ticket only, and asked to reject the rest of the requests, while the lawyer Hanan Hammouda was designed for the requests of her client, and the work contract concluded between him and the hospital was submitted, and she said that it is decided with the text of Article (19) of Law No. (36) for the year 2012 to issue the Labor Law in the private sector “the work contract must be fixed in writing. Each party has a copy, and if the contract is edited other than the Arabic language, it is attached to a copy edited in the Arabic language, and if the contract is referred to internal regulations.

The prosecutor’s agent refuted the dues for the salary of the client that he worked for the defendant for about 26 months, and 10 days were actually work for a period of 20 months, 15 days and the rest of the period were not paid leave, and the defendant received from the defendant for the period of his work estimated at 20 and a half months of amount and his amount -/ 26400 dinars only, while the amount due to him for his actual work period is 20 and a half months It is estimated at the amount of -/ 61500 dinars, and thus the late wages are (61500 dinars – 26400 dinars = 35100 dinars).

The court said in the reasons for the ruling that it is extracted from the papers and the work contract submitted by the plaintiff that the defendant has started from the date of 1/1/2022 according to a specific work contract (two years), which can be renewed with the approval of the two parties to work as a job (a plastic surgery specialist) with a monthly salary of 3000 dinars, while the defendant decided that the original contract is not present, and there was no payment or defense obtained from the lawsuit and its documents.

The court indicated that the defendant, despite the friendly agreement to end the work relationship, did not commit to paying the plaintiff’s dues, and ruled that the defendant obliges the plaintiff to perform 35100 dinars, the value of the late wages, the amount of 3583 dinars instead of the annual leave allowance, and the amount of 3250 dinars at the end of the service, and in exchange for the law fees, and the appropriate of the expenses.



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