Home politics Important medical advice .. How do you avoid dehydration in the morning...

Important medical advice .. How do you avoid dehydration in the morning in Ramadan?


Sunday 23/Mar/2025 – 03:28 AM

During the month of Ramadan, many fasting people suffer from a feeling of thirst and dehydration, especially in the early morning hours, as a result of losing fluid during the night and not compensating them sufficiently, and to avoid this problem, doctors and experts recommend following a set of healthy habits that help in maintaining the moisture of the body and reducing the feeling of thirst during the fasting period.

According to the Mayo Clinic Medical website, drinking sufficient quantities of water during the period between breakfast and suhoor plays a fundamental role in preventing dehydration, as it is advised to eat at least 8 to 10 cups distributed over the evening hours, and experts stressed the need to avoid drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee and tea, because they work to increase fluid loss from the body by urine, which may lead to feeling Thirsty in the morning.

How do you avoid dehydration in the morning in Ramadan?

Among the other important tips, it is preferable to eat water -rich foods, such as cucumber, watermelon and lettuce, during breakfast and suhoor, as these foods help moisturize the body for a longer period, and it is recommended to avoid salty and fried foods that increase the feeling of thirst, and replace them with foods rich in fiber that helps maintain fluid balance inside the body.

With regard to morning activities, doctors are advised to avoid direct exposure to sunlight for long periods, especially in hot climates, where excessive sweating leads to losing more fluids and increasing thirst, and it is preferable to postpone exercise until after breakfast to avoid fatigue and dehydration.

By following these simple tips, fasting people can reduce the feeling of dehydration in the morning during Ramadan, and maintain good health throughout the fasting period.



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