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Educational contents in the Sunnah of the Prophet


Dr. Samah Badawi

The Prophet’s Sunnah is an integrated educational approach that carries with its fold values ​​that formed the nation’s conscience, and made men and leaders who changed the features of history. He was sent, may God bless him and grant him peace, to fulfill the morals of morals, so he was a teacher, example and a kind that the verses of God were manifested, so his creation was the Qur’an. He raised a young nation on an integrated educational and philosophical curriculum, with which various modern sciences and educational theories agreed with it.

His positions and behaviors were an educational model that made the Bedouin community a society that taught mankind the meanings of tolerance and mercy. He, may God bless him and grant him peace, established educational models for more than a thousand and four hundred years ago, before psychologists and educators boasted to teach them in huge volumes and encyclopedias. He, may God bless him and grant him peace, approved it in extreme situations, so the nation taught ablution and prayer with modeling, and approved the methodology of self -management when he said: “Do not be angry.” He also established the basis of positive education sciences with a practical model when an Arab walked in his mosque, and he said to his companions: “invite him”, then discussed it with the argument, to leave us an educational and moral approach based on dialogue, discussion and strategy of persuasion.

Teach the obligatory prayers with repetition and practice, and formed the identity of the nation with the anecdotal methodology, learning with modeling and example, managing questions and answers, motivation, differentiation, and building strategic thought in peace and war.

He founded the leadership of leadership when Osama bin Zaid gave an army that includes the great companions, putting a method in building self -confidence and courage and taking responsibility, obedience and work when the roles differ, there is nothing above the leadership. Such educational contents, and other hundreds, produced a generation that raised typical education, which made “men around the Messenger”, as some literature described them. Yes, exceptional men and leaders, each of them was an integrated approach that combines firmness and softness.

We have learned from him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, how to implant in our children the meanings of urbanization, creation, role model, humility, and work. These men whom Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, raised and shared by the building of the nation, proved that men are the ones who build societies, and enhance the values ​​of harmony, when they absorb the contents of the prophetic education, they revive their morals, and search in their treasures, and employ them in the face of various challenges.

The Prophet’s Sunnah is not just an educational approach, but rather a road map to preserve identity and belief, and build a strong and strong society.



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