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The best supplication in the last ten days of Ramadan .. Do not forget these names in your supplication


Friday 21/March/2025 – 12:00 PM

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, told us about the best supplication in the last ten days of Ramadan, which is the supplication that the Laylat al -Qadr is hoped for, and everyone knows, except that the status of the ten nights that started today makes supplication in all formulas desirable in addition to asking for pardon, and even closer to the response, God willing. Through Cairo 24, we get to know the best supplication in the last ten days of Ramadan, and how can these blessed nights be seized.

The best prayer in the last ten days of Ramadan

The text of the best supplication came in the last ten days of Ramadan, in the hadith of Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, when she said: I said: O Messenger of God, did you see if I knew any night of the night of destiny, what I say? He said: Say: Oh God, you are forgiveness that loves forgiveness, so forgive me. The scholars have dealt with the virtue of the pardon in improving the state of the Muslim world and the hereafter as erasing the sins and its effects together, even if the Lord Almighty is not satisfied with it.

And the forgiveness of God Almighty means the forgiveness of sins and the lowering of mercy with the servant, so it is like someone who did not guilty of guilt from the foundation, so the page of bad deeds appears to be clean white, opens the door for the Muslim to restore his accounts and begin his life with good deeds that are not tainted by sins and do not reduce sins, so there is no better than asking for forgiveness from God in the last ten days of Ramadan.

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The best prayer in the last ten days of Ramadan

Below, we offer formulas for the best supplication in the last ten days of Ramadan. It is desirable to be within the supplication of tahajjud and i’tikaaf during the stringed nights in particular, and start praise God with his beautiful names so that your supplication is responded to:

  • Oh God, you are an amnesty that loves pardon, so forgive us. Oh God, you are merciful, merciful, generous pardon, you love pardon, so forgive us and have mercy on us and overcome our bad deeds, and forgive us what we have presented and what we have delayed, and what we have gone and what we have declared, and what you know about us.
  • O majesty and honor, O neighborhood, O Qayyum, I ask you in your greatest name, which if you are called, I answered, and if you are asked, I will be given, to accept our fasting and resurrection, and to emancipate our necks from the fire, and to make us from your freedom in this holy month.
  • O first without a beginning and another without end, O apparent without limits and oh interior without a veil, I ask you to open the doors of your mercy to us, and that you please us and your grace, and to give our hearts to obey you, and to use us in your illnesses.
  • Oh God, broad, forgiveness, O great mercy, oh hand -handed with gifts, I ask you in these blessed nights to erase our bad deeds, to raise our degrees, to forgive our sins, and to spend our needs, and to fulfill our hopes in this world and the hereafter.
  • O hearing, O visionary, oh Latif, expert, reveal the affliction, the epidemic, poverty and diseases, and guide us to peace, and brought us out of darkness to the light, and we avoided the immorality of what appeared from them and what is belly.
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The best prayer in the last ten days of Ramadan
  • O Ghaffar, O Tab, O Rahim, O Wahhab, I ask you for forgiveness that erases our sins, and repentance is good with our conditions, and a wide mercy that we enjoy in our world and our hereafter, and a giving that does not run out of the treasures of your mercy.
  • Oh God, the heart of the hearts, O Bank of Things, O Chechen Patients, O detector of the cherub, O answering the invitation of those who are forced, prove our hearts on your religion, and grant us sincere certainty, complete faith, and trust in you in all matters.
  • O sergeant, Hafeez, O relative, O respondent, save us from our hands and from behind us, and on our faith and our merits, and from above and from under us, and protect us in our religion, our world, our people, our offspring and our money.
  • O Fattah, O Razzaq, O Karim, O Gay, open the doors of your halal livelihood, and mocked us for the wide please, and bless us with what you have given us, and make us those who thank you for your grace, and improve their use in your obedience.
  • O Hadi, O Rashid, O Hakim, O Show, guide your straight path, and inspire us with wisdom in our sayings and actions, and make us those who listen to the saying and follow the best of it, and between us the truth really and grant us his followers, and between us falsehood is invalid and grant us avoiding it.
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The best prayer in the last ten days of Ramadan

Supplications of the last ten days of Ramadan

There is no doubt that the supplications of the last ten days of Ramadan are awaited by the Muslim in order to investigate the Night of Power and seize the supplication of supplication, and we remind everyone of the years of i’tikaaf and prostration in those blessed nights, as i’tikaaf is the commitment of the mosque to worship in it for men, and the commitment of a room for i’tikaaf at home for women.

Likewise, the prayer of tahajjud for the woman and the man is the same, which is the rise of the night, which is after a short sleep, and its best times are the last third of the night.

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The best prayer in the last ten days of Ramadan

And do not forget to increase the supplications of the last ten days of Ramadan with forgiveness and mercy, and the following are humble models that start with the names of God, the Most Beautiful:

  • Oh, wise, O expert, O Basir, we taught us what benefits us, and we benefit from what we taught us, and we added knowledge, understanding and wisdom, and make us among those who listen to the saying and follow the best.
  • O Jabbar, O Qahar, my dear, O Munqamq, we support us for those who wronged us, and take our right to those who encroached on us, and make the plot of our enemies in their axis, and protect us and our homes from all evil and hatred.

O Hanan, O Manan, O Badi, the Heavens and the Earth, O Majesty and Honor, I ask you to fill our hearts with your love and the love of your Messenger, and to make us from the hidden to you, the humble in your hands, the humiliation of your greatness.

  • Oh God, Mu’az, O humiliating, O owner of the king, dearest Islam and Muslims, humiliate polytheism and polytheists, and make us supporters of your religion, and those who are dissolved for your law, and those calling for your path of wisdom and good advice.
  • O friendly, O Shakur, O Raouf, grant us your love and the love of those who love you, and the love of every work that brings us closer to your love, and make your love more loved to us than ourselves and our people and all people, and we distributed to thank your grace that has bestowed on us.
  • O answers, my relative, hear, O knowledgeable, respond to our supplication, fulfill our hope, spend our needs, relieve our concerns, reveal our cherubs, lift the affliction and the epidemic, and heal our patients and the patients of Muslims.
  • O Halim, O Forgiving, O pardon, O Rahim, treated us with your forgiveness, not with you, and forgive us for our negligence and sins, forgive us and have mercy on us, forgive us and exceed our bad deeds.
  • O abhorrent agent, O Kafi, Haseeb, we stop everything that is important for us, and our affairs, and the best of our management, and stop the evil of ourselves, and the evil of people, and we have a guardian and a supporter.
  • Oh God, the mosque of people for a day there is no doubt, oh emitter in the graves, I ask you on the day of the Hashr that you will remain under the shadow of your throne on the day of no shadow except your shadow, and that you will be watered from the basin of your Prophet a drink that is never sought after, and that we will bring us together with our master Muhammad in the highest paradise of Heaven.
  • O light of the heavens and the earth, my wonderful heavens and the earth, I ask you a light in my heart, a light in my grave, a light in my hearing, a light in my eyesight, a light on my right, a light from the north, a light from me, a light from behind me, a light from above me, a light from below, and make me a light.
  • Oh God, O Lord of the worlds, and the best of the merciful, and the most merciful, the most merciful, conclude Ramadan with the emancipation from the fire, and we entered Paradise with the righteous, O dear, Ghaffar. May God bless and grant peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions as a whole, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.
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The best prayer in the last ten days of Ramadan



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