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Potassium -free foods to maintain food balance


Some people, especially kidney patients, need to reduce their intake of potassium, given its role in many body functions, but increasing it may pose a risk to health, and to maintain a nutritional balance without affecting potassium levels, some foods that contain a low or semi -non -noble percentage of this mineral can be relied upon.

Vegetables and fruits suitable for a low potassium diet

Although vegetables and fruits are a rich source of vitamins and fiber, some species contain low levels of potassium, which makes them safer, and lettuce and cucumber are among the safest options, as they can be eaten without worrying about the high level of potassium, sweet pepper and radish from other vegetables that suit this diet, as it contains a small percentage of this element.

As for fruits, apples and grapes are the perfect options for those looking for low potassium alternatives, as well as pineapple and berries, which provide a delicious taste without affecting the balance of minerals in the body.

Pills and starches are low potassium

Starch is one of the essential elements in any diet, and there are some types that contain a very low percentage of potassium, which makes it suitable for those who need to reduce their consumption, white rice and white pasta from safe grains that can be relied upon without concern.

Also, white bread is a suitable option compared to whole grain bread, as it contains less potassium, and corn flour can be a good alternative to preparing different foods without increasing potassium levels in the body.

Proteins and fats that do not increase the level of potassium

Protein can be obtained from sources containing small amounts of potassium, such as egg whites, which is one of the best options for those who follow a low potassium diet, and white meat such as chicken and turkey are safe alternatives when eating in moderate quantities and cooking them without adding ingredients rich in potassium.

As for fats, olive oil and coconut oil are oils that can be used safely, as it does not contain any percentage of this mineral, which makes them perfect options for cooking.



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