Home politics Luxor Governor shares cleaning workers in the annual breakfast ceremony at Sidi...

Luxor Governor shares cleaning workers in the annual breakfast ceremony at Sidi Abu Al -Hajjaj Square


Thursday 20/March/2025 – 08:43 PM

Engineer Abdel Muttalib Amara, Governor of Luxor, shared cleaning and cosmetic workers at the annual group breakfast ceremony at Sidi Abu Al -Hajjaj Square.

Luxor Governor shares cleaning workers in the annual breakfast

The breakfast was attended by Dr. Hisham Abu Zaid, Deputy Governor, Major General Dr. Hisham Al -Shimi, Assistant Secretary General, Major General Dr. Ali Al -Sharabi, President of Luxor, and Khaled Imran, along with a number of executive leaders in the governorate.

Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners
Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners

The governor expressed his great appreciation to workers in the cleaning sector, praising their continuous efforts to maintain the cleanliness of the city and show it properly, indicating that their dedication and devotion to work is a tribute to everyone, especially in light of the different circumstances and challenges facing them daily.

Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners
Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners
Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners
Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners

Ramadan participation and support message

The Governor of Luxor affirmed his keenness on the participation of workers on this occasion, to congratulate them on the blessed month of Ramadan and the approach of Eid Al -Fitr, confirming the province’s interest in supporting them and appreciating their efforts in preserving the cultural appearance of the city and serving citizens.

Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners
Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners
Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners
Luxor Governor eat breakfast with cleaners



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