Home entertainment The Bahraini Red Crescent Society recommends its new board of directors

The Bahraini Red Crescent Society recommends its new board of directors


The Bahraini Red Crescent Society held at its headquarters in the diplomatic area its regular public association, during which His Excellency the team, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, was recommended as Chairman of the Association’s Board of Directors.

Also during the General Assembly, Ali Muhammad Murad was a vice -president, Mubarak Khalifa Al -Hadi for the position of Secretary -General, Hassan Ali Jumaa Muhammad as a financial secretary, and the membership of Dr. Faisal Radhi Al -Mousawi, Dr. Fawzi Abdullah Amin, Dr. Maryam Ibrahim Al -Hajri, Dr. Kawthar Muhammad Al -Eid, Dr. Nilofer Al -Jahrami and Mr. Adel Al -Jar.

The members of the General Assembly of the Bahraini Red Crescent association approved the literary and financial reports of the association, and listened to an explanation of the relief and humanitarian work, initiatives and activities carried out by the association during the past two years.

The report of the Board of Directors reviewed the association’s contribution to meeting some regional relief calls issued by the General Secretariat of the Arab Crescent and Red Cross Organization, as well as international calls issued by the International Red Cross Associations, in order to contribute to alleviating the victims and affected by disasters and wars.

The report mentioned in some detail the assistance provided by the Bahraini Red Crescent Society for the Gaza Strip in partnership with a number of civil and charitable bodies in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in addition to relief campaigns for those affected by the floods in Libya, and from the earthquake in Morocco.

The report also addresses the efforts made by the association to continue to provide assistance to those who are entitled to Bahrain to support donors from individuals and institutions, including providing in -kind and financial assistance to about two thousand familiar families after studying their social condition, in addition to the launch of qualitative programs in cooperation with private institutions in Bahrain, such as providing animated chairs, medical family, clothes, etc.

The General Assembly meeting discussed the performance of the association’s committees, including the Social Services Committee, the first aid committee, and the participation in the Bahrain Mission for the Hajj through an ambulance, the disaster team, the Public Relations and Member Affairs Committee, the Youth and Junior Committee, health awareness, and the environmental agricultural team. The meeting also touched on the participation of the association in conferences and regional and international events.

After the meeting of the Board of Directors, the association held the annual Ramadan meeting, during which a number of the association’s cadres, volunteers and partners were honored.



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