Home politics Weather expected today live feed

Weather expected today live feed


The Meteorological Authority revealed the details of the expected weather condition, confirming that today, low -temperature weather will prevail today, and it is expected that light rains are expected.

Low temperatures after the country was affected by an air elevation during the past days

The Meteorological Authority explained that today’s weather is witnessing an activity in the winds on the areas of Greater Cairo, southern Lower Egypt and the cities of the channel, at a speed of 34 km/h, while a cloudy weather prevalent during the daytime periods.

The Meteorological Authority pointed to an activity in wind movement at a speed of 40 km/h on southern Sinai and the Red Sea mountain ranges.

The Meteorological Authority yesterday warned citizens not to be deceived in high temperatures and rushing to reduce their clothes; Since they avoid having colds, confirming that starting from today the weather will witness a remarkable decrease in temperatures.

As for the weather phenomena, the Meteorological Authority confirmed that the state of the Mediterranean today is turbulent, and is witnessing an increase in the waves ranging from 3: 4 meters, and the Red Sea is turbulent, and the height of the waves ranges from 2: 3 meters.



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