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Meat caravan at 260 pounds in Aga, Sinblawin and Mitt Salsil centers today


Wednesday 19/March/2025 – 08:22 AM


Meat caravan at 260 pounds in Aga, Sinbillawain and Met Salsil today

The governor of Dakahlia explained that these subsidized convoys come within the framework of the governorate’s plan to facilitate the access of citizens to the various food commodities, by holding the Ahla Ramadan exhibitions, and the outlets of the sale of vegetables and fruits, along with the outlets of sales of mobile and fixed meat, to provide various food commodities, in implementation of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi, President of the Republic, to reduce the burden on citizens.

For his part, Ali Hassan, Director of the Supply Directorate, said that, in coordination with the accountant Mohamed Abdel Baqi, head of the Aja Center and City, Professor Hatem Kabil, head of the Center and City of Sinbillawain, and Professor Islam Al -Najjar, head of the Mitt Salsil Center and City, meat cars start tomorrow morning, selling at a price of 260 pounds per kilo, from fresh meat, liver and lamb, and places of the presence of cars, in front of the Aja City Council, and in front of the Kafr Al -Anan Balnblawin, in front of Mit Salsil’s position in front of the Hello Ramadan outlet, starting at 10 am.



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