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Conditions of the royal pardon submitted by the Ministry of Interior in Saudi Arabia 1446 and the due categories


Citizens in Saudi Arabia and in particular prisoners and their family members are waiting for the royal pardon that is presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Saudi Arabia, where a decision is issued by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques on many various occasions such as the blessed month of Ramadan and Eid Al -Fitr and the sacrifice of pardoning a group of prisoners, not all of them, but to obtain this amnesty is required to meet a set of conditions in order to provide social and security justice to citizens.

Conditions and standards of Saudi Royal Pardon 1446

There is a set of criteria set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Saudi Arabia so that prisoners can obtain a royal pardon and these criteria are:

  • The prisoner has obtained part of the period of the punishment that was determined by the competent authorities for that.
  • He possesses a good biography and behavior inside the prison, and has not committed any violation for the duration of his sentence.
  • He was not involved in any international case or any major criminal case, including terrorism, intentional killing, etc.
  • He is one of the prisoners who adhered to the legal and administrative requirements of the Ministry, which were identified by the competent authorities.
  • That he did not have a former royal pardon, or that he has returned to the crimes again.

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Categories attached to the royal pardon

There is a certain group of categories on which the royal pardon is applied, and among those categories is the following:

  • Those who were imprisoned in issues are not large such as personal debt issues, or money related.
  • Those who committed minor crimes and this was the first time for them and they have no criminal precedents.
  • The elderly or people with the disease and whose condition requires their release.
  • Those who showed their remorse for what they committed, and they have proven this during their sentence.

Inquire about the beneficiaries of the Royal Pardon 1446

The prisoners ’prisoners can inquire about their prisoner to find out whether or not he benefits from the royal pardon, and that is through the following:

  • Go to the site ministry Interior, Or to platform Preach.
  • Go to the menu for prisoners’ services.
  • Writing the prisoner’s identity number or number in order to make sure if he had pardoned or not.
  • This can also be done by coordinating with the prison administration in order to see the official details of the royal pardon.
  • Follow up on what is presented in the official news and advertisements that are issued by the Ministry of Interior to find out the names of the beneficiaries of the amnesty.


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