The holy month of Ramadan is characterized by its spirituality, which rises in a large percentage of Muslims in various parts of the earth, and a region in Muslim countries is not free from the presence of mosques in which the prayers of Tarawih pray and people come to them from everywhere.
And this beautiful Sunnah of its history starts from the era of the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, and the Muslims were performing it individually, until the era of our master Omar bin Al -Khattab, may God be pleased with him, came, so he gathered them on one reader and was called Tarawih because there is a break between every 4 rak’ahs.
Likewise, like all the life matters around us, it entered Tarawih development and modernity, so the mosques are competing with each other to host readers who are characterized by the sweetness of the voice in recitation, and their names were known and the famous of them became “Folors” to come to those mosques in which they pray and are keen to stand behind them, record recitations, photograph them, and broadcast them on social media.
Yes, I know that there is a great reward for those who spread good and it is a great good, but what some worshipers blame for them is that they abandon the Tarawih prayer in the mosque when this distinguished sheikh did not pray to them, I was praying Tarawih in one of the mosques and I was accustomed to crowding the place and the difficulty of finding a car park, so I was keen to arrive before the dinner call to prayer.
For the fame and sweetness of the voice of this imam, he was invited to pray in other mosques for some days, and then returns to this mosque, and a schedule was placed in the imams who will perform the Tarawih prayer, so that the worshipers know who the imam who will hear his voice today, and I noticed that the days when this imam with a beautiful voice is not present, the mosque is almost empty .. The imam is in another mosque, or did they prefer to pray in their homes?
I may find an excuse for some of the worshipers who wander in the mosques behind the distinguished imams in reading, and I excuse those who pray in their homes for health reasons or other circumstances, but the difference in the density of attendance or the decrease in the number of worshipers in the mosque in certain days seems to me frustrated and sorry for it, so is he who prays Taraweeh comes to listen to the sweetness About the sweetness of the voice- and God calls in the great days, may he forgive him and respond to his supplication?
The month of Ramadan must be pure to God, and the Muslim seeks to satisfy his Lord in various ways, and Tarawih prayer is the most prominent of these means in this holy month, and if the Taraweeh prayer is removed from the same Muslim, they do not make it an entertainment prayer, otherwise we will see, after years, mosques are written on their accounts in the means of communication “the entire number” because its imams are famous.