The competent investigative authorities in South Sinai ordered the renewal of the Tikkar Tukir Mohamed R.A.A.A. -famous, Zain Al -Zain and his friend Ahmed H.G., 15 days pending investigations, against the background of accusing them of wearing women’s clothes, women’s accessories and placing full makeup.
Tik Tucker is famous and his friend in Dahab
Private sources revealed that Tek Tucker and his friend were arrested while crossing one of the police ambushes in the city of Dahab, where they noticed wearing women’s clothes and put full makeup on the face.
On the details of the incident, you return to the 12th day of Ramadan when one of the officers was playing his role in inspection during the passage of Tekker Zain Al -Zein with a car inside a car inside, and in a situation of suspicion and suspicion, and when he asked for the personal investigations, he found Tek Tucker who wears a full women’s cloak and makeup and also wears women’s accessories as a man in the card.
Tekokar was immediately arrested on charges of violating acts, as well as the group, which was accompanied by the necessary report, was arrested.
It is noteworthy that Tik Tucker Zain Al -Zein has caused a great state of anger in the recent period among social media users, after he appeared in videos wearing women’s clothes and putting full makeup.