Saturday 15/March/2025 – 04:58 AM
The Directorate of Supply and Internal Trade in Beheira Governorate continued its enlarged ration campaigns on municipal bakeries in the centers and cities of the governorate, to ensure that support has reached its beneficiaries and not smuggling it to the black market, and the necessary legal measures were taken against violators.
Supply campaigns on municipal bakeries in the lake
In the Abu Homs Center, a rationing campaign, under the supervision of Adel Abu El Fotouh, head of the Supply Supervision Department in the Directorate. The campaign was formed headed by Tamer Mubarak, Mohamed Sabry, Supply Supervisors inspectors in the Directorate, to liberate 19 violations of municipal bakeries.
As a result, the seizure of 8 bakeries to produce in the production of minus weight, and set a bakery for their disposal in a quantity of flour, of 8 supplied flour, supported by selling them in the black market and achieving illegal gains
He also seized a bakery to produce bread that does not match the prescribed legal specifications, and to release 7 violations of the lack of cleanliness of the dough tools with the bakery and not to announce the weight and price of the loaf and the dates of the bakery.
A similar catering campaign at the Edko Center, under the supervision of Mr. Kfafi, Director of the Department, and Ibrahim Abdel -Hadi Sadouma, Head of the Control Department, was managed by Rafiq Ashqalani, the first inspector in the administration, and accompanied Ahmed Hassan Al -Banna, the first inspector with supervision.
The campaign resulted in the seizure of 5 bakeries to produce weight -weight bread, and to seize one of the municipal bakeries to not give the citizen the bun of bread, while continuing the ration campaigns on the centers and cities of the province to ensure that support is due to those who deserve it and not smuggling it to the black market