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A doctor explains the risk of eating disorder on reproductive health .. Learn about the details


Saturday 15/March/2025 – 05:00 AM

Eating disorders affect Worty healthAnd it is possible to lead to women with menstrual disorders and difficulty in pregnancy, and the disturbance of food is one of the most common eating disorders, as a person suffers from severe hunger and a severe desire to eat, which leads to eating large amounts of food in a very short time, and this may lead to an unhealthy increase in weight and other health complications, and that one of the side effects of eating disorders is infertility, according to what was published in Hindustan Times.

Dr. Kengal Shah, a gynecologist and obstetrician at Seifi Hospital in India, said fertility problems are among the common side effects of eating disorders, and eating disorders in women of all age groups, but they are common in childbearing age, and it has been observed that excessive eating regularly may lead to hormonal imbalance, and eating disorders can affect the reproductive health of the person, starting from inhibiting ovulation and even increasing risk Abortion.

Difficulty pregnancy

Dr. Kengal Shah explained that excessive eating regularly may lead to problems in pregnancy, and infertility may result from multiple factors, including genetic factors, environmental effects, hormonal imbalances, and others, as individuals who suffer from eating disorders, such as excessive eating, may face difficulties in pregnancy, and excessive eating can contribute to malnutrition in general, which leads to psychological tension and obesity.

An abnormal menstrual cycle

He continued, following an inappropriate diet, whether low calories or unhealthy, or eating excessive calories, can disrupt physiological reproductive function and thus increase the risk of infertility, as a result of menstrual disorder in women.

Tips to prevent eating and infertility disorders

  • Eat healthy food and at short periods.
  • Check the daily calories you eat.
  • Merging physical activity into the daily routine.



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