In order to facilitate citizens and save time and effort, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has worked to provide a large group of services that citizens need electronically, which resulted in the absence of accumulation and crowding in government institutions, so you can now inquire about online treatment instead of going to the headquarters of the Ministry of Interior, and for this we will show you here the steps of inquiries in detail.
Link to inquire about the Ministry of Interior’s treatment with the Kingdom with the registration number
Through your registration number, you can inquire about treatment as follows:
- You have to enter the electronic platform Preach.
- In front of you, a page will appear, choose the first option from it, the most good.
- Then you will be required to write down the login data, write it accurately.
- The platform home page will open with you, go to the electronic services menu, and choose the option to inquire about a treatment.
- Then write the registration number and the area.
- You will be required to write down all your personal data.
- Click on the query option.
- Finally, all the details of the treatment will be shown in front of you.
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Watch also: Absher platform .. A new electronic services group for citizens and residents saving time and effort
Link to inquire about the Ministry of Interior’s treatment of the Kingdom with the issuance number
There are also those looking for the steps for inquiries about treatment with the export number instead of the registration number, and the steps as follows:
- Open the electronic platform PreachAnd go to the service option for the most people.
- Login data will appear with you, you have to write the password, verification code, as well as the full name.
- After being able to enter the platform, click on the electronic services option.
- Choose a service inquiring service.
- Go to the option to inquire with the letter number.
- Insert the letter number, as well as write down your personal data and verify it accurately.
- Click on inquiries, and all the details of the treatment you are looking for will appear.
Steps to inquire about a transaction on the Ministry of Interior website
You can inquire about easy treatment by visiting the Ministry of Interior website and following the following: