Home entertainment A decrease of 60 % at the prices of vegetables in Ramadan...

A decrease of 60 % at the prices of vegetables in Ramadan and the stability of fruits


Zahra Habib

The head of the Al -Bustani Group for Fruits and Vegetables, businessman Reda Al -Bustani, stressed that the prices of fruits in the month of Ramadan are stable and available in abundant quantities, with the continued demand for Ramadan fruits such as oranges, melons, and the success, and “code”, due to a noticeable decrease in vegetable prices of up to 60%. He explained that «the greatest turnout focuses on melons, success and deterrent, which is one of the basic fruits on the Ramadan table, as the melons and success are the most sought after Ramadan tables.

Al -Bustani stated that «the price of the orange fund (9 kilograms) ranges between 6 dinars to 9 dinars according to the quality and quality of it, while one kilo is sold in dinar, while Al -Jah is available in abundance and is sold at 200 fils per kilo, while the price of mango carton is 3.5 dinars. On the other hand, the prices of Ramadan vegetables witnessed a remarkable decrease of 60% as a result of the abundance of the local product, as the price of a kilo of potatoes and onions decreased to 250 fils, which reduces the financial burdens on consumers during the holy month.

Al -Bustani pointed out that the markets are witnessing a continuous turnout, stressing that the supply of fruits and vegetables meets the demand during the month of Ramadan.



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