Friday 14/March/2025 – 03:06 PM
Many of those who have lost a dear person, whether the father or mother, are keen to repeat the prayer of Friday to the dead throughout the day, hoping that God will respond to his supplication, so the supplication for the dead on Friday is a sign of the great love of the person and a kind of charity for him, especially since Friday is one of the days in response to the supplication, so the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: On Friday for an hour, a Muslim does not agree with it For my father and my mother written throughout the day, perhaps the hour in which he calls is an hour of response.
And we review to you through the following report, the Friday prayer for the dead, a very influential for my father and my mother, a prayer for the dead on Friday, a short prayer for the dead on Friday, due to the increasing research by many Muslims, who wish to increase the chanting of supplications in these moments.

The Friday prayer for the dead is very influential for my father and my mother
The Muslim is keen to choose some of the supplications known to repeat it in the prayer of Friday for the dead is very influential for my father and my mother, so the supplication is one of the great deeds with God Almighty, as it is a link that combines the dead and the living, as it is part of the charity for this deceased person, so the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: If the son of Adam, his work is interrupted except from three: a running charity, For the deceased:
- O Lord, on Friday, we ask you to have mercy on our dear (so -and -so), to forgive and have mercy on him, and to expand his grave, O Most Merciful.
- O Lord, we ask Heaven to those who have afflicted him separated, so relieve him, O Lord of the worlds, and give him paradise, and keep away from the torment of fire.
- O Lord, make before those who died an uninterrupted light, and give him reassurance with your ability, O Most Merciful.
- Our Lord, we ask you to write forgiveness for my father and my mother, for this great blessed day, and to forgive them and honor their descent, O Lord of the worlds.
- O Lord, transfer my soul from the worms and the tightness of the Lahud to the Gardens of Evacuation, O Lord of the worlds.
- O Lord, we ask you on Friday to secure our dear on the Day of Resurrection, and from the horror of this day, and to teach him thanks to you, O Karim, his argument.
- Oh God, make on the right of our dead a light, and from the north of our dead light, and from above our dead a light, and a time under our dead is a light.
- O Lord, we ask you to forgive our loved ones from the dead and to make, O Lord, with your grace, their grave is a kindergarten of Paradise.
- O Lord, please, not to make the grave of our dead a hole of fire, and keep away from them everything that frightens them in their grave, O Lord of the worlds.
- Oh God, make every Muslim who is dead and reassured in the grave, and enter Paradise, O Rahman, O Rahim.

A prayer for the dead on Friday is short
A number of people are confused by a supplication for the dead on Friday, to repeat it from the morning until sunset, as many formulas for supplication for the deceased vary on Friday, written between a request that God will forgive him, and that God increases his good deeds, and that heaven will enter him, so the Muslim chooses more than one formula for supplication for the deceased on Friday is very impressive, to repeat it throughout this great blessed day, as part of the response of charity to the deceased person:
- O Lord, we ask you to have mercy on our dead and when Muslims, forgive them and have mercy on them, O Lord of the worlds.
- We ask you, O God, to forgive the dead Muslims, and forgive them and forgive them, O Lord of the worlds.
- Oh God, I ask you at this hour to make those who lost them on the Kawthar River, smiling at the finest levels of heaven.
- Oh God, the light of their shrine, the perfume of their scene and the goodness of their beds, and I forget them, O Lord of the worlds.
- We ask you, O God, to have mercy on our dead from the heat of hell, and to bless them, O Lord, from the gardens of bliss.
- O Lord, we hope that you will be forgiven for the most precious of those who are absent from the world, and have mercy on them and put them in the group of those who love you.
- Oh God, make our meeting with those we lost in the highest paradise, O Lord of the worlds, and forgive us and them, O Lord of the worlds.
- O Lord, we ask you to have mercy on our dead, the mercy of nine heavens and the earth, and they are ignorant of their graves in a permanent light that is uninterrupted.
- O Lord, we ask you to have mercy on the good souls that have moved to your neighborhood, O Lord of the worlds.
- Oh God, have mercy on all the dead Muslims, wash them with water, snow and cold, and purify them from sins and sins, as well as purity the white garment of impurity.

A prayer for the dead on Friday is written
Many people repeat a supplication for the dead on Friday, written, asking for forgiveness for the dead Muslims, and to write to them Paradise and to make the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for him on the day of standing, so the supplication for the deceased on Friday is one of the works that he is keen on who lost a father or either or a brother or one of the loved ones, and determines the time of supplication for the deceased in a certain hour a content Anas, may God be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Take the hour that is hoped on Friday after the afternoon until the coma of the sun, and here are some formulas of Friday prayers for the dead as follows:
- O Lord, we ask you on Friday to forgive our dead and when Muslims, and to write to them the paradise, O Lord of the worlds.
- Oh God, dry the earth from their sides, and conceal them, O Lord, under the earth and the day of presentation on you.
- O Lord, we ask you to reward all the dead Muslims about their charity, and to forgive them, O Lord of the worlds.
- Oh God, have mercy on the dead.
- O Lord, we ask you to forgive our death and the dead of Muslims, and to bring them down the homes of the friends, martyrs and the righteous.
- Oh God, give all the dead Muslims in their graves to extend their eyesight, and spread their graves from the bed of Heaven.
- O Lord, on this blessed day, we ask you to give the book of the dead of Muslims, and to facilitate their thanks to your account, O Lord of the worlds.
- O Lord, please fill the graves of the dead Muslims with contentment, and to exceed their bad deeds, O Lord of the worlds.
- Oh God, write Paradise for everyone who lost them, patience with their separation, and grant them goodness from heaven, O Lord of the worlds.
- O Lord, gather us with our dead in heaven, and grant them good to their people, and make Heaven stable.