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“Shura Finance” discusses the financial dimensions of a law proposal on “medical responsibility”


The Shura Council of Financial and Economic Affairs, headed by Khaled Hussein Al -Muscati, discussed the financial dimensions of a law proposal on medical responsibility “in its amended” form, and submitted by members of the members: Dr. Jamila Muhammad Reda Al -Salman, d. Jihad Abdullah Al -Fadil, Dalal Jassim Al -Zayed, d. Ibtisam Muhammad Saleh Al -Dalal, d. Hani Ali Al -Saati.

The proposal of a law aims to establish the Supreme Committee for Medical Responsibility that includes various specializations and representatives of the relevant authorities, and its entry into the necessary tasks and powers, as well as the comparative legislation that adopted this trend. In addition to obliging public health institutions for insurance for service providers against civil liability for medical errors with a licensed insurance company in the Kingdom.

The Committee discussed the financial impact of a draft law amending Article (18) of the Societies, Social and Cultural Clubs Law and private bodies working in the field of youth, sports and private institutions, issued by Decree Law No. (21) of 1989 AD, prepared based on the proposal by the law submitted by the Shura Council.

The draft law aims to address what is marred by Article (18) of the amendment of an absolute prohibition on associations from entering into financial speculation, which prevents even without investing in their excess funds in non -risk or low and guaranteed investments.

This treatment is through a pairing between the prohibition of high -risk financial speculation with association’s funds, and the permissibility of investment, which is far from high risks; This is to achieve a guaranteed financial return for associations that contribute to the supply of their budget, and is addressed to its efforts to achieve their goals optimally.

The committee has been the proposal of the law and the draft law, and was briefed on their articles, while the summary of its financial opinion regarding the effects of its entry into force to the services committee was submitted to their study and their research in an original capacity.



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