Syed Hussein Al -Qassab
The Director of Projects Department at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture, Mohamed Jawad, during the Capital Secretariat session yesterday morning, presented a presentation on the “Municipal Affairs” project plan in the Capital Governorate, where he reviewed important vital projects that are being worked on at the present time. 1,400 longitudinal meters, and the project consists of a walkway, games and playground areas, in addition to providing green spaces and service buildings, explaining that the cost of the project is 5 million dinars, and that the completion rate is 10%. Also, an environmental garden project in the Zinj «Eco-walk», which is the first of its kind in the Kingdom of Bahrain, where it aims to encourage the population to walk in all seasons, which is an internal walkway designed on Various levels, in addition to the presence of an internal garden, sessions and shops, cafes, parking lots, and accompanying services. It was revealed that the project costs 3 million dinars, with an area of 17343 square meters, and the initial perceptions are being prepared in coordination with a consultant. And he touched on the project to develop the old Manama market at a cost of up to 1.8 million dinars, where the project aims to develop and unify the facades of shops in the Manama Market to unify Design style, indicating that the detailed graphics of the project were started. In another project, Jawad Tubli Walk of the second stage offered, where the project consists of the creation of a walkway on a property in the (711) complex in the Tubli area with a total length of the stages of about 1.1 km, explaining that the total length of the first stage is about 400 meters, while the total length of the second stage is 450 meters consisting of toilets, doubts, and sessions Family, indicating that the cost of the project reaches one million dinars, where the completion of the detailed designs of the project and the application for obtaining prior financial approval. Among the vital projects, the project of afforestation of the 338 complex in Justice, as the project is an urban development and afforestation with an area 277 meters and the streets surrounding it from a street to pass to a street to use pedestrians only. The project also includes adding concrete chairs, concrete barriers and vegetable pots with climbing plants, in addition to the work of a multi -use medium park in the Blaza area, indicating that the contract was signed and the completion rate is 2%. Jawad referred to the project of a sophisticated garden 1 in the city of East Sitra, where the project consists of creating a shed garden consisting From green spaces, family sessions, and a stadium, in addition to parking lots, at a cost of 348 thousand dinars, pointing out that the completion rate is 35%. In the same offer, a horse offered a detailed table showing the number of requests for rain insulators for the year 2023-2024 in the capital’s secretariat, indicating that in 2023, 15 applications were received, and all of them were implemented, with a rate 5 requests in 2024, 4 of them were executed, and one request is under implementation, as the completion rate was 80%.