Home entertainment Salloum: 3 additional advantages to modify the reform justice for children

Salloum: 3 additional advantages to modify the reform justice for children


The House of Representatives passed a draft law amending some provisions of the law of reformist justice for children and protecting them from abuse issued by Law No. (4) of 2021, accompanying Decree No. (95) for the year 2024, aimed at ensuring the contribution of the Child Protection Center to preparing judicial tests for children. The objectives of the draft law include increasing measures that can be taken towards the child, enabling the authority concerned with the Ministry of Interior to participate in following up matters The child, submitting an application for termination, amendment or replacement of the measure at any time without restriction for a period, and the permit to judge in the criminals with measures when there is an excuse or a reduced circumstance in the crime, and enabling the court to monitor the extent of progress achieved by the child during his implementation of the punishment, and support and support the Child Protection Center in follow -up and enhance control over the implementation of measures. On his part, Representative Ahmed Al -Salloum said: 2021, and still was, one of the most advanced laws in the region in dealing with children, as the law created an integrated reform justice system, and adopted advanced international standards and best practices in this field, and I believe that there is no law in the region comparable to this law in terms of fine details, the rulings contained in it. The legislative system, indicating that the project in the new law contains additional benefits: 1- Increasing alternative measures, with accurate details of how to implement such measures, and this matter is in the service of the goal of the law of reform justice, which focuses on the reformist side instead of the punitive allowance. Follow-up to the child’s affairs and submit an application for termination, amendment or replacement of an alternative punishment.



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