Home news What is the amount of zakat al -Fitr in Saudi Arabia 1446...

What is the amount of zakat al -Fitr in Saudi Arabia 1446 .. The appropriate date for the payment of zakat on Eid al -Fitr and how to donate it


It was announced by the responsible authorities inside Saudi Arabia about all the details related to the zakat of Eid Al -Fitr, which it is necessary to donate it because it is imposed on all the able, whether it is a Muslim or a Muslim, and that zakat is paid before the advent of Eid al -Fitr, where it is donated in the last days of the holy month of Ramadan, and the zakat that Muslims donate is money or some foodstuffs represented in wheat and rice Islamic law in line with the number of family members.

Who are worthy of zakat al -Fitr in Saudi Arabia

Zakat Eid al -Fitr in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is offered to several categories that have been identified by Islamic law, and those groups suffer from bad material conditions and always need support, and these categories are the following:

  • Zakat is offered to individuals that collect and distribute zakat.
  • The poor and the poor are among the most prominent categories that deserve to obtain zakat on Eid al -Fitr.
  • Zakat is offered to the unable to pay the accumulated debts.
  • According to Islamic law, Ibn Al -Sabeel gets zakat, and after Ibn Al -Sabeel is the traveler who is unable to complete the travel for the end of his money.

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Methods of donating zakat al -Fitr in Saudi Arabia 1446

There are many different ways through which the individual can donate to Eid al -Fitr zakat, and one of the most important methods of donation is as follows:

  • Zakat can be donated personally by submitting it to the beneficiaries.
  • Within the ways to donate zakat is to send them to charitable societies, which collect zakat and distribute them to the beneficiaries, and one of the most prominent charitable platforms is the Zakati platform, Ihsan platform and the Saudi Charitable Society.

The date for donation to the Eid al -Fitr zakat in Saudi Arabia

There are no times that have been identified by Islamic law indicating the payment of zakat on Eid Al -Fitr, but there are times that are preferred to donate to ensure the zakat at the appropriate time to the beneficiaries and achieve the maximum benefit from it, and those times are at the end of the month of Ramadan before the advent of Eid Al -Fitr, specifically at the dawn of the day of Eid or the night of Eid, and for the amount of zakat, it is calculated according to the price of a kilo of rice that is beaten in 3 Donate it for one individual.


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