Home entertainment “The Supreme Environment”: the start of the “Kabbq” hunting ban from March...

“The Supreme Environment”: the start of the “Kabbq” hunting ban from March 15 for two months


The Supreme Council for the Environment announced the start of the decision to ban the “Al -Qabib” crab in the territorial waters of Bahrain, for a period of two months from March 15 to May 15, as part of the ongoing efforts to preserve marine wealth and ensure the sustainability of the marine environment.

The council pointed out that the decision aims to protect the stock of crabs during the breeding periods, in a way that contributes to achieving the environmental balance.

The Council stressed the importance of the fishermen’s commitment to the prohibition decision, noting that any illegal hunting for the title during this period may expose violators to legal procedures.

The council stressed that the fishermen whose species fall in their equipment during the ban period must initiate their immediate return to the sea, taking into account the necessary care to ensure their safety.



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