Home politics The most beautiful supplications that are answered in Ramadan 2025 .. Oh...

The most beautiful supplications that are answered in Ramadan 2025 .. Oh God, grant me conviction and contentment


Tuesday 11/March/2025 – 05:02 PM

We offer the most beautiful supplications that are answered in Ramadan, because this month was described by the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that the first ten days of Ramadan are mercy, and it is in the midst of forgiveness, and the last ten days of Ramadan emancipation from the fire, as it is a great opportunity for Muslims to draw closer to God with supplication, where the doors of mercy and forgiveness are opened, and God responds to His righteous servants.

The most beautiful supplications that are answered in Ramadan

On the most beautiful supplications that are answered in Ramadan, the supplication in Ramadan carries a great specificity, as it is the month of supplication and seeking forgiveness and asking for needs from God, whether religious or worldly, and the following is a group of the most beautiful supplications that are answered in Ramadan:

  • Oh God, you are a generous amnesty that loves pardon, so forgive me.
  • Oh God, I ask you from all good and sooner good, I did not know from it and what I did not know.
  • O neighborhood, O Qayyum, with your mercy, I seek help, fix all my affairs for me and do not tire me to myself a blink of an eye.
  • Oh God, grant me conviction and contentment, and bless me as you gave me.
  • Oh God, make me from your freedom from the fire in this blessed month.
  • Oh God, forgive me and my parents, and have mercy on them as they raised me small.
  • Oh God, accept our fasting and resurrection, forgive us our sins, and exceed our bad deeds.
  • Oh God, make me in this holy month a share of mercy, forgiveness and emancipation from the fire.
  • Oh God, make the great Qur’an the spring of my heart, the light of my chest, and the evacuation of my concern and my sorrow.
  • Oh God, I ask you for forgiveness and wellness in this world and the hereafter.
The most beautiful supplications that are answered in Ramadan
The most beautiful supplications that are answered in Ramadan

Ramadan supplications are answered

And on the supplications of Ramadan in response, it is necessary to know that there is no specific supplication formula, but the person must have certainty that God Almighty is close to hearing the call of the supplicant if he is called, as there must be literature in the conversation with God Almighty, besides that there are times when the supplication is answered and it is at breakfast in Ramadan, as well as the last third of the night, where Muslims raise the palm of the harm to God in Ramadan The supplications are answered, God willing, in Ramadan:

  • Oh God, make me a light in my heart, in my tongue a light, and in my hearing a light, and in my eyesight a light.
  • Oh God, I ask you for a good and blessed livelihood in it, and to sing me with your grace about you except you.
  • Oh God, grant me repentance, erasing sins, and hearts are cleansed.
  • Oh God, explain to me my chest, and make my command easy for me, and I will solve a knot from my tongue, they understand my saying.
  • Oh God, make me one of your righteous servants, and honor me with the paradise of bliss.
  • Oh God, lift the calamity from us, pay the epidemic from us, and save our country from all evil.
  • Oh God, make me from all the concerns, and from every distress a way out, and from every sufficiency.
  • Oh God, make us who fasted Ramadan faith and calculation, so you forgive him for his sins.
  • Oh God, I ask you for guidance and met, chastity and richness.
  • Oh God, make me in this holy month an invitation that does not respond, and an unhealthy livelihood, and a door to heaven is not indoor.
Ramadan supplications are answered
Ramadan supplications are answered

The most beautiful supplications before breakfast in Ramadan 2025

While about The most beautiful supplications before breakfast in Ramadan 2025, the time for breakfast is one of the most desirable times when the supplication is desirable, where the fasting person is at the moment of response, and from the Sunnah to invite a Muslim before his breakfast, asking God to accept and contentment, where the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, recommended us to pray and seek forgiveness at the time of breakfast, and here is a group of beautiful supplications that can be said before breakfast in Ramadan 2025:

  • Oh God, you are silent, and on your livelihood, I broke your fast, so forgive me what I have presented and what I delayed.
  • Oh God, I ask you for your mercy, which has expanded everything to forgive me for my sins, and make my command for me.
  • Oh God, I seek refuge in you from poverty, I seek refuge in you from oppression, and I seek refuge in you from the bad judiciary.
  • Oh God, make this holy month a witness to us, not for us, and write to us mercy and forgiveness.
  • Oh God, I ask you for the great please, and I hope your mercy, so do not tire me to myself, the blink of an eye.
  • Oh God, accept our fasting from us, fix our deeds for us, and write happiness for us in this world and the hereafter.
  • Oh God, grant us health and wellness, and bless us in our livelihoods and deeds.
  • Oh God, I ask you for a good conclusion, and I seek refuge in you from the bad flipping.
  • Oh God, make our breakfast a forgiveness for sins, covering the defects, and a relief for the carat.
  • Oh God, I ask you to make me a response, permanent happiness, and wide livelihood.



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