Home entertainment Mistakes in Ramadan may be the reason behind your weight. Beware it

Mistakes in Ramadan may be the reason behind your weight. Beware it


Ramadan is an ideal opportunity to improve eating habits and enhance public health through fasting and eating balance, but some common mistakes may turn this opportunity to a health problem instead of being a useful experience as a result of changing food dates and daily habits.

Many suffer from excessive intake of unhealthy foods, which may lead to weight gain and a feeling of lethargy, so in the following lines, we review the most prominent food errors that must be avoided during Ramadan to achieve maximum health benefit.

Breakfast in large quantities at once

Eat a big meal immediately after the Maghrib call to:

Increased calories at once, storing fat.

Feeling of lethargy after breakfast due to the full stomach.

Start with dates and water, then wait a little before eating a balanced meal.

Eat stages, slowly chew to give your body a chance to feel full.

A lot of fried foods and fats

Facial samosa, fried potatoes, and fatty kabs are considered the basic dishes of many, but they are:

Increases calories and leads to fat accumulation.

It causes indigestion and feeling lethargy.

Replace frying with bread or grilling to prepare healthy dishes.

Use olive oil instead of hydrogenated oils to cook.

Eat sweets in abundance after breakfast

Al -Qatayef, Konafa, and Basbousa are a famous Ramadan sweets, but eating them daily leads to:

Rapid in blood sugar and then decrease, causing hunger again.

Store fat due to high calories.

Replace sweets with fresh or dried fruits.

Eat sweets only twice a week, in small quantities.

Drink soft drinks and sweetened juices

Soft drinks and commercial juices contain huge amounts of sugar, which leads to:

High weight due to empty calories.

Increased dehydration and thirst during fasting.

Replace ready -made juices with unpleasant natural juices.

Drink water or herbal drinks such as mint and hibiscus.

Neglecting suhoor or eating it in an unhealthy way

Some neglect suhoor, thinking that it helps to lose weight, but this causes:

Feeling of severe hunger during the day, which leads to excessive eating at breakfast.

Slow burning rate due to lack of energy.

Eat a balanced suhoor meal that contains protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates.

Avoid salty and fried foods to avoid thirst.

Lack of movement and physical activity

Lack of movement after breakfast leads to:

Storing excessive calories as fat in the body.

Increased feeling of lethargy and laziness.

Exercise after breakfast, such as walking for 30 minutes.

Do some simple home exercises to keep your activity.



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