Home entertainment Teacher Ibrahim Abdel Nabi «Kfu» Al Watan newspaper

Teacher Ibrahim Abdel Nabi «Kfu» Al Watan newspaper


Ibrahim is a first teacher at the Bedie Elementary School for Boys, cut an additional tendency in his educational mission, without anyone obliging him to do so, that is, he made an additional effort on his own, and he did not stop at the extent of a famous saying between many government employees, which is “I work on the salary.”

Ibrahim added an effort that was not required, and most importantly, he will not be held accountable if he did not make it, but he did it either a passion and love in the profession, or because he has a conscience that insists on him with more quality in performance, even if he does not have a material return, but he makes him feel satisfied.

Who forced Professor Ibrahim to search and enter the world of children’s games in order to find what is compatible with him with his material he is studying for his students? Then who forced him to invest these new entertainment tools, including the game (Tech Tak), which raises enthusiasm and competition in the educational process in order for the enthusiasm of his students by asking scientific questions inspired by national curricula and exams, who also made him add the program (Evidence of the Moon Phases), which depends on motivating students with immediate virtual awards, and other programs to develop critical thinking skills and solve problems Encouraging self -learning, optical construction equation, and material transformations. Why did you use a computer vision technology and artificial intelligence?

This additional effort is the other tendency that Professor Ibrahim has strengthened the interaction of students with educational content using hand gestures, it is an additional effort, but it is a qualitative effort that has resulted in the achievement of a qualitative shift in the results of his students in the subject of science and most importantly that his students are enthusiastic about his share of his article that he studies loved a curriculum that was heavy and became enjoyable, we are looking for the proverbs of Professor Ibrahim and we want to make them honor To be an incentive for others.

Open to Professor Ibrahim an educational channel on the media.

This type of human beings, whether they are in the education, medicine, nursing, and other areas, donated their humanity to obtain better results on their own, search for these teachers for these doctors about the nurses .. etc. We need to allocate them a distinctive honor with a TV program that everyone sees, and recognizes them as a program like “Kvo” who cut the additional inclination from themselves without anyone seeing them, but they leave them for generations Excellents, we hear about them from time to time, highlighting them for a while and then missing.



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