Home entertainment “Housing” adopts the “castle” scheme and sets controls for preserving the originality...

“Housing” adopts the “castle” scheme and sets controls for preserving the originality and archaeological value of the site


Samaher Saif Al Yazal

The Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, Amna Al -Rumaihi, issued a decision regarding the adoption of the detailed plan for the castle region – Complex (438).

According to the articles of the decision, the construction areas listed in the partial detailed plan are classified, according to what is mentioned in the land use plan accompanying a decision, and the organizational requirements for reconstruction in various regions in the Kingdom of Bahrain issued by Resolution No. (93) of 2023 are applied, except for the projects of projects of a special nature (SP) in that plan.

The decision stipulated that a number of controls and requirements must be taken into account when dividing, reconstructing, or developing projects of projects of a special nature (SP) located in the partial detailed plan, which included: 1 – Preserving originality and functional and visual safety of the Bahrain Castle and Heritage Gardens.

2 – The contribution of functional and operational roles for planning, division, reconstruction and development projects in promoting the exceptional global value of the Bahrain Castle site included on the UNESCO World Heritage List or any of the site’s surrounding settings, and is not violated by its cultural and natural value.

Taking into account the harmony and integration of the constructive and natural environment when setting the development vision of the property. Employment of practices and use of construction structures and environmentally friendly materials characterized by flexibility and sustainability.

The decision indicated that it is allowed to use real estate for administrative and commercial purposes, cultural tourism and other special activities determined by the relevant authority, and it is prohibited to practice commercial activities that do not correspond to the nature and privacy of the Bahrain Castle site, and in particular the establishment of smoking cafes, car garages, car rental facilities, storage spaces, and any similar activities that cause environmental damage to the natural features of the site. The requirements for architectural design, which stipulated that the approved design and functional controls be taken into account, most notably:

– Obtaining initial approval from the relevant authority, to determine the location of the proposed building or the proposed development before starting planning, division or construction, and the adoption of maps and final engineering designs before directly any of the aforementioned works.

– The concerned authority may request the redistribution of the blocks or design, the cultural and natural archaeological value of the vicinity of the Bahrain Castle website, provided that the total total areas are identical to the permitted construction bloc.

– Technical services, especially communications towers, and huge promotional advertisements, are prohibited, and it is also prohibited to fill marine areas within the vicinity of the Bahrain Castle site, which is on the list of international humanitarian heritage.

The decision was set by controls that must be taken into account in the architectural design style, including:

– Follow a clear architectural identity and style, and not combine different methods.

– The design of the building blocks and the main interfaces is based on the size and rhythm of the adjacent heritage buildings.

– The total design of the building and the facades is to be reinforced for heritage looks.

– Allowing the design methods of design and inspiration from the heritage elements, preserving the ingredients of originality and avoiding visual confusion.

As for the clothing of the building facades, the approved color code, whose colors range from white and beige shades when painting the facades, must be adhered to the use of coverage panels (Cladding), tiles, etc..

The decision also stipulated a number of controls for afforestation, the most prominent of which are:

– Choosing the types of local trees and plants, or consistent with both the nature of the heritage gardens in the vicinity of the Bahrain Castle site and the local climate nature.

– Study the types and sites of trees and plants and ensure that their natural properties do not affect or extend their roots on any of the monuments or historical houses.

– Following the practices and techniques of agriculture and coordination used in traditional heritage gardens, in order to enhance historical landscapes.



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