Cotton sticks have been associated with ear cleaning, but their uses exceeded this, as it is a multi -use tool that can be used in many daily tasks, from beauty care to home and artistic works.
Uses of cotton sticks
Beauty care
It can be used to correct makeup errors, to clean the eyeliner lines or extra mascara.
Application of cosmetics, such as eye shadow distribution or lipstick accurately.
Cleaning the nails, for example, to remove excess nail polish or clean the skin around the nails.
Personal care
Clean small wounds, to disinfect surface wounds or apply antiseptics.
Apply ointments and creams, to distribute creams or ointments to small areas accurately.
household chores
Clean small parts in phones or computers.
Clean furniture to remove dust from cracks or narrow places.
Clean the narrow places in the kitchen and bathroom.
Drawing and coloring, to create special effects or add accurate details.
Glue application, to accurately distribute glue in manual projects.
Clean the camera lens.
Cotton sticks should be deeply inserted into the ear canal, as this can push the wax inward or damage the eardrum.
Cotton sticks should be used with caution when cleaning sensitive areas.