Home entertainment Dietary shock .. healthy foods destroy your grace and increase your weight!

Dietary shock .. healthy foods destroy your grace and increase your weight!


Many of us believe that eating healthy foods automatically means maintaining weight or even losing it, but the truth is that there are many healthy foods that may lead to weight gain if eaten in large quantities, the calories not only come from unhealthy food Ideal.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are among the most beneficial foods for heart and brain health, they contain healthy fats and omega -3 acids in addition to fiber and proteins, but despite their many benefits, they are rich in calories as eating a small handful of them can be sufficient as a source of daily energy, but many people eat large quantities of them thinking that it is a healthy option without restriction This habit may be a major reason for storing fat, especially around the abdominal area.


Avocado is considered one of the foods rich in beneficial nutrients, as it contains healthy fat that helps in improving heart health and reducing infections, but the problem is that these fats contain very high calories, as one fruit of avocado may contain more than 300 calories, which means that eating it abundantly without calculating the quantity may lead to weight gain instead of losing it so it must be taken as a moderate part of the system Balanced food.

Natural juices

Many people prefer natural juices instead of soft and sugary drinks, believing that it is a completely healthy option, but the truth is that these juices may be full of natural sugars that raise the level of sugar in the blood quickly and lead to weight gain, and that removing fiber from fruits during the afternoon makes the body absorb sugar faster, which leads to a feeling of hunger after a short period and eating additional amounts of food, so it is better to eat fruits completely instead of converting them into juices or juices At least drink juice in moderation.

Foods made of whole grains

The whole grains are always recommended by healthy options because they contain fiber that enhances the feeling of satiety and helps in improving digestion, but eating them in large quantities may lead to the consumption of an extra amount of calories, for example eating a large amount of brown rice or bread made of whole grains may lead to the accumulation of fats instead of burning them, and some products that are marketed as made of whole grains may contain Hidden quantities of sugar and oils that increase their thermal value unexpectedly.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is considered one of the best sources of protein and calcium, as it is beneficial to bone health and digestion and helps in building muscle, but when eating it in large quantities it may lead to weight gain, especially if it is of a full fat type or is added to it fruits or sweeteners, many types of flavored yogurt contain a high percentage of sugar that makes it more like candy than a healthy meal, so it is better to choose ordinary yogurt and eat it in quantities Moderate.



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