Saturday 08/Mar/2025 – 01:26 AM
Many Muslims are waiting at the present time to repeat the supplication of the dawn of 8 Ramadan at the beginning of the eighth day of Ramadan, where supplication is one of the best good deeds that the Muslim performs at the beginning of every day of the month of Ramadan, so many individuals try to repeat the supplication of the eighth day of Ramadan by searching a number of formulas such as the dawn of the dawn of 8 Ramadan, the prayer of 8 Ramadan, the eighth day of Ramadan.
Therefore, we provide you with a number of supplications that are said in the dawn of the dawn of 8 Ramadan, the prayer of 8 Ramadan, the eighth day of Ramadan, due to the enormous research by many Muslims for the eighth day of Ramadan.

Doaa dawn 8 Ramadan
The Muslim is keen, with the time of dawn, to repeat many supplications, in the hope that God will accept his prayers, achieve his hopes, and forgive him and have mercy on him, so the supplication is a great worship, the Muslim should take care of it, whether in the month of Ramadan or in other than Ramadan, and by talking about the arrival of a text from the Prophet’s Sunnah about the supplication of the dawn of 8 Ramadan, then there was no talk about the allocation of a certain supplication for the dawn of the eighth of Ramadan The well -known, and all that comes to a Muslim from God Almighty, and here are some formulas as follows:
- Oh God, in this blessed great dawn, we ask you with your beautiful names and attributes, to write to us the best of this holy month.
- Oh God, fulfill our hopes, distract from evil from us, write with the righteous, and keep us away from the oppressors.
- Our Lord, Lord of everything, we ask you guidance, preserve prayer, and do good deeds.
- O Lord, if we ask you at the dawn of 8 Ramadan, to write to us Paradise and to keep away from us, O our Lord, as you have left between the East and the Maghreb.
- Oh God, write from the people of Paradise, accept the fasting of this holy month, and grant us everything we hope, O Lord of the worlds.
- Our Lord, we ask you to fix the conditions of all Muslims, raise the banner of Islam, and support the truth over falsehood.
- Oh God, repent to us, for you are the Most Merciful, and bless us, our people and our loved ones, all the best, O Rahman, Rahim.
- Oh God, grant us good farm, which is helping us in this difficult life.
- Lord, praise and thanks for your great blessings, so grant us everything we hope, O our Lord, the guardian of blessings.
- O Lord, we ask you the guidance and the meeting and chastity, and we prepared to the path of goodness, and remove the path of delusion.

Doaa 8 Ramadan
There is no doubt that supplication is of great importance in the month of Ramadan, so the Muslim does not leave any opportunity to repeat many supplications throughout the day, for Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Nothing is more honorable to God than supplication.”
- O Lord, on this eighth day Ramadan, we ask you to distract from us the evil of what you spent, and to write from your freedom from the fire.
- O Lord, we ask you to accept fasting this day, to accept the resurrection of this day, and to make us one of your righteous servants.
- O Lord, you are a compassionate pardon, so forgive us, and write from the righteous in your paradise, and disbelieve God, our bad deeds, for you are forgiven, merciful.
- Our Lord, you are aware of our conditions, and how we face many difficulties, so we ask you to facilitate the matter for us and to achieve all the aspirations for us.
- Oh God, make us those who followed the approach of the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of your Prophet Adnan, our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.
- Oh God, return the rights to their owners, and to destroy everyone who wronged us, for you, my Lord, do not love the oppressors.
- O Lord, we trust you, so write success to us, and make us successful, and make up for our fatigue, O Lord of the worlds.
- O Lord, we will walk in many matters.
- O Lord, we ask you to distract us from everything that harms us, and to make us from the people of Paradise, for you are the merciful pardon.
- Oh God, give us good deeds and in the Hereafter, O my Lord, good, and we have mercy on your mercy, from the torment of fire, O Halim, O Star.

The eighth day of Ramadan supplication
With the beginning of the 8th of Ramadan 2025, a Muslim begins to repeat the supplication of the eighth day of Ramadan by obtaining some supplications, or he says everything in his heart to God Almighty, whether by praying for himself and his family and his friends, the month of Ramadan is an opportunity for a Muslim, in order to insist on supplication, so that God Almighty responds to him, and provides him with the virtue of the month of fasting, and to you some supplications that can be said in the day of Ramadan:
- O Lord, on the eighth day of Ramadan, we ask you to forgive all Muslims, and to have mercy on our dead and dead Muslims.
- Oh God, we ask you to accept fasting on the eighth of Ramadan, to bless us with his good, and to make us among those who accepted their good deeds.
- O Lord, we ask you to facilitate matters, relieve the cherub, and God fulfilled everything we hope, for you are able to do everything.
- O God, reward us with our patience for good, and to tear and behave the torment of the fire, and make us in the intercession of your chosen lover.
- Our Lord is our guardian, so grant us success, O Lord of the worlds, and make us in your care, keep our fathers and mothers, and inspire patience.
- Oh God, you are my Lord, there is no god but you created me and I am your servant and I am on your covenant and promised you what I could, I seek refuge in you from the evil of what I have done, I have your grace to you, and I will give you my guilt, so forgive me, for it is not forgiven by sins except you.
- Lord, we ask you to die when you are satisfied with us, forgive us, and make us in the bliss of heaven, and conclude our lives on Islam.
- Oh God, grant victory to the Muslims everywhere, and support the people of Palestine, and protect them, O Lord of the worlds, from the oppression of your enemies.
- Oh God, the enemies prevented them from all means of eating and drinking, so provide them from your treasures, and feed them with the best food, for they are walking in the way of supporting Islam and protecting the Al -Aqsa Mosque against this holy month.
- Our Lord, we called you as we commanded us, so we answered us as you promised us, answering the question of the questioners, and have mercy on us in this world and the hereafter.