His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Prime Minister, may God protect him, sent a telegram of thanks to His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Hamad International Center for Peaceful Coexistence, on the occasion of the accreditation of the United Nations General Assembly for a draft resolution submitted by the Kingdom of Bahrain and on the initiative of the center, regarding the approval of the International Day for Peaceful Coexistence, and celebrating it on January 28 of each year.
In the telegram, His Highness expressed his great happiness and pride in this international achievement, which reflects the appreciation of the international community of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its pioneering position in consolidating the values of tolerance, coexistence and establishing the principles of human brotherhood in all of the world.
His Highness also praised the efforts of His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Hamad International Center for peaceful coexistence and all employees of the King Hamad Center for peaceful coexistence in supporting the efforts and endeavors of promoting the culture of peaceful coexistence, tolerance and peace in order to achieve the visions and aspirations of His Majesty the King of the country, may God protect and preserve him, in consolidating the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the fields of humanitarian work at all levels.