Home sports Providing March pensions to 24 instead of 27 this month

Providing March pensions to 24 instead of 27 this month


Abu Dhabi: “The Gulf” The General Authority for Pensions and Social Insurance announced the provision of the exchange of pensions this month to the twenty -fourth of the month instead of the date of 27 as it was planned to schedule pensions for the year 2025. The authority said that the exchange of pensions early is a positive step that reflects the spirit of commitment to social responsibility towards the category of retirees, and in appreciation of their pioneering role in serving the country, and paying attention to the details of their social life And enabling them and their families to meet their basic needs, which coincide with their preparations to celebrate the blessed Eid Al -Fitr, sufficiently before it. The pensions will include civilians subject to laws that take over the General Pensions Authority



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