Friday 07/March/2025 – 02:39 AM
The House of Representatives, headed by Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, will resume holding its general sessions next Sunday to discuss the report of the Joint Committee from the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee and the office of the Defense and National Security Committees, and Arab Affairs on the decision of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt No. 570 of 2024 regarding the approval of the Convention on the Transfer of the convicted persons with negative sanctions of freedom between the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the government of the United Arab Emirates.
The House of Representatives discusses an agreement between Egypt and the UAE to transfer the convicts
The explanatory note regarding the agreement to transfer the convicted people with negative sanctions of freedom between the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the government of the United Arab Emirates, indicated that within the framework of cooperation relations in the judicial field between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, the agreement to transfer the convicted people with negative sanctions of freedom between the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the government of the United Arab Emirates on January 10, 2024.