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Fragments of good Al Watan newspaper


* Whatever we chant in the atmosphere of Ramadan, we will not be able to fulfill its right, and we will not be able to write about its positions that spread the good in all fields. The winter atmosphere of Ramadan this year gave us a special character, which leads us to be in the ride of the good guys, and we are racing to reap the fruits of the Hereafter, as it drives us to invest all the moments for God Almighty alone, and in order for the result of our actions to be the sustainable impact that we are witnessing in our lives, and in the life of successive generations that are raised on the good of those who preceded it.

An opportunity before the holy month ended! And because it is “a few days” and fast to expire, it is free for us to find and strive before it is too late and his departure, so we do not know whether we join him again or the breath of life ends? Hey Ramadan, your many goods are our increased path towards the highest paradise, so God write from your loved ones, and from the people of Ramadan.

* Unfortunately, you will find in the path of your accomplishments some volatile faces that are stabbed by you, and celebrate in front of you with their deceptive smiles. Unfortunately, you coexist with characters that cannot love and select yourself and your tender with love and goodness. Perhaps it is divine messages that urge you to be careful of some of the intrigues, and that you are in the steps of the path of your life proud and open to your achievements, raising the slogan “My work talks about my giving”, and investing every moment until you prove that you have not accomplished except for the sake of God Almighty alone, and for the sustainable effect that immortalizes good in life. Such fluctuations are disgraceful behavior, and the cause of the person to disavow his shortcomings, so that his burdens on others appear to appear in front of others, “the master of his people.”

* It is nice to give everyone the right of his right, and to attribute the credit to his family, and it is not that you will steal the achievements of others to attribute them to yourself, without indicating, even if a nice reference to the emotional participation that brought you together with others, and they had the credit – after the grace of God Almighty – in reaching your achievements to this distinguished level. We need to live with charity, and we remember the first of the credit, and we build a beautiful impact on which the names of everyone who participated in it are written on the walls, even if in one brick.

* Jamila is the charitable projects that various charitable parties in Bahrain, during which they compete in the blessed month of Ramadan to spread goodness and joy on the faces of various groups. The month of Ramadan is the month of goodness and joy for all Muslims. We need to continue these fertile bids, and to make sure to choose the nature of projects and the pattern of implementation carefully, to ensure the benefit of a large number of people, and not to repeat the patterns of humanitarian aid. Oh God, bless the efforts, and pay the pace.

* Jamila is the episode “The first time I see” that was shown on the Bahrain satellite channel, in which the creator Omar Farouk lived a distinctive atmosphere under the title “The superheroes in Mauritania”. Everyone who watched this episode is surprised by the fragrant Quranic atmosphere that Muslims live in Mauritania, especially in that remote village, whose people sing by reading the Holy Qur’an two hours before Fajr prayer! The viewer at the time feels that he is short in the side of God Almighty, and in the demand for reading, learning, managing, and working with it. Everyone in this village has emptied itself for the book of God Almighty alone, without preoccupations or the disturbances of life. Praise God! Each part of the earth made wisdom, verse and sermon for Muslims.

Thank you from the depths of Brother Omar Farouk, and may God bless his wonderful humanitarian efforts. How much do we need such enrichment programs that raise generations on the meanings of goodness, and the love of reading and memorizing the Holy Book of God. Such unique Quranic models are an impact, influence and role model for generations. We look forward to adopting such ideas to transfer these unique experiences to our children and children of future generations, and the diet has taken us to be his companions on such trips.

On the other hand, the influential young man, “Ghaith”, is still creating in his Ramadan episodes in the eighth season of the “My Heart Inside” program. Indeed, the heart is reassured when he lives the moments of goodness in this program, and with Ghaith specifically, which every year we enjoy his adventures and charitable tours, his love for good and giving, and drawing him to a smile on the faces, and his ability to empower man and draw a sustainable effect. Every time, Ghaith announces a new project that shares its products with others, as he is not only satisfied with practicing good, but rather goodness, and encourages others to be with him in the full sense of the word, all his life moments begin with the word “In the name of God, we start a new happiness.” New happiness is not built randomly, but rather is built with humanitarian practices based on planning, studying needs, identifying pillars, and empowering man.

Thank you, Ghaith, our hearts have been relieved and still, and how much we hope to be partners in your steps, whose effects are still in every field.

A flash of hope

Oh God, accept our obedience, and make our deeds pure for your generous face, and bring our days with love and goodness.



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