Home entertainment After years I discovered that my neighbor is a person!

After years I discovered that my neighbor is a person!


In a funny, inclined interview with a girlfriend from the great India, she told me about her position with one of her village’s daughters from a different sect, my girlfriend said with amazement, “I discovered that she is a nice lady like us.” She asked her, “How does it mean like us?” She said, “Yes, like us, humans,” I almost assert that the features of the shock that were drawn on my face made my girlfriend remedy what I said. Their life is nothing but our lifestyle, even if they differ in beliefs. ” They lived together in one small village that only separated them, and she discovered after many years that her neighbor is a person! Just like someone who walks on a road while he was closed to the eyes, thinking that it is only the right path because he is tempted, he takes a long way to discover after a while that he had a reflective trend only because he refused to open his eyes to clarify and make sure that he was on the right path. About them except their first name, tribe, or doctrine, and soon we call them our rulings and divide them into groups and homes according to the rules of society and according to what they told us, so that we almost believe that we are human beings and they are only semi -human being different from us in the color, name and belief, raising a banner: “It is not a human being who is not from me and I do not share with him except the earth” Excellence and excellence. That the language of alignment is the common language, meaning that the division of society into groups and homes is an inevitable necessity. Thank God that we have created Muslim believers and we know that we all created human beings and all of us, and we are governed by creation, not creation! Is this correct? Yes, we were created Muslim believers, but is it true that we are going today according to this rule, or are the ideas of excellence and uniqueness have come to us as long as other societies affected? Is it not true that many of us are looking at others as if it is below the level, but rather continued to think that life was found to be blessed with it, not they? Do we not note that new generations with a new thought that has been invading our societies that have maintained for many years their cohesion and the rigidity of their fabric? In summary: The spread of social media contributed a lot to broadcasting extraneous beliefs on our societies, but we cannot limit their spread and we will not be able to stop them, and we all realize that fighting societies is done internally and not externally, controlling belief and thought is the most dangerous weapon that may destroy any weapon, To allow your children to adopt the ideas of excellence, uniqueness and transcendence is as if they raised them on the principle that we are the owners of the absolute right and that we are different from us in form and religion and belief is not a human being like us, which means that you are destroying your house before others destroy it, we are all human differences and we all have the right to live on this earth adjacent to build together our societies and homelands. Always remember and make sure to know your children that our neighbor is a person like us.



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