Wed 05/Mar/2025 – 06:26 AM
During the month of Ramadan, many fasting people suffer from a loss of focus and a sense of mental exhaustion, especially with long fasting hours and fluid lack in the body, and to avoid this problem, experts advise to follow some healthy habits that help enhance focus and improve mental performance, according to ClevelandClinic.
1. Eat an integrated meal
Suhoor meal should contain protein -rich sources such as eggs or yogurt, along with complex carbohydrates such as oats or whole grain bread, which helps to provide sustainable energy to the body.
2. Drink enough water
Dehydration is one of the most prominent factors that affect focus during the day, so it is recommended to drink at least 8 cups of water between breakfast and suhoor, while avoiding caffeine -rich drinks that cause fluid loss.
3. Reducing the consumption of sugars
Eating large quantities of sugar at breakfast or suhoor leads to a sudden rise in blood sugar level, followed by a rapid decrease, which leads to a feeling of fatigue and loss of focus during fasting hours.
4. Take enough sleep
Ensure late time that negatively affects focus and productivity during the day, so it is preferable to sleep for enough hours and set a regular sleep schedule to maintain mental activity.
5. Practice relaxation techniques
Techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can help improve focus and reduce stress, which enhances the ability to perform daily tasks with more efficiently.
6. Divide difficult tasks
It is preferable to accomplish tasks that require a high concentration during periods in which the body is more active, such as the first hours after suhoor or after breakfast, and avoid mental fatigue during the afternoon.