Home entertainment These “absorb” your soul !!! | Al Watan newspaper

These “absorb” your soul !!! | Al Watan newspaper


The more you get older, the more you circle your relationships, the more “younger” are “younger”.

It will automatically turn into a person who “escapes” his relationship, and some periodically cancel communications numbers in his phone memory or note.

Of course, it is a relative issue and not a rule, but the “constant” in the matter is that people reach a stage of life to a seat of calm, to move away from the hustle and to “selective” in relations, which makes it surrounded by positive health relationships.

The question will be shed here here: Are there negative and satisfactory relationships in return?!

And the answer is definitely “yes”, but I am not talking about normal negative relationships here, I am talking about advanced, “iconic” relationships in the dangerous negativity, which makes you classify this person, or that as a “black” person.

Ok, what is the difference?! The two create negativity in the people they deal with.

Here it is necessary to realize a very accurate separation between the two characters, which is a break if you do not pay attention to it, you will find yourself dealing with characters who have the ability to transform you with a similar “wilted rose”, but those that wither in seconds, you will find yourself dealing with characters with the ability to turn your happiness into an atmosphere in a jiffy.

A negative person you find a person who does not initiate or care about many things, you find him hesitant in making his decisions, and if you need help from him, even if it is simple, you will not get it, as it is the type that prefers to stay in the “shadow”, that is, on neutrality, without being a competent and accelerated to provide aid or consultation.

The most dangerous person’s negative effects come at the expense of the equation of encouragement or discipline, as you will always find him negatively participating in any event or project, and you will certainly miss his presence even if he attends, as it will not be an addition, but the truth is said here will not be a disaster!

The real catastrophe is the other personality, and I mean the “black” quality of humans.

For these “negative”, they are immediately classified as “positive” or “angels”; Because the black person has a strange ability as the “plague” that passes through life is destroyed, and this destruction is “about meant” and not a “negative, reluctant” product.

Negative personalities have their main influence on themselves, especially as they do not move based on fear or anxiety in it, but the Sudanese are the ones who, if you saw you, will devise a thousand ways and way to kill your happiness.

And if you talked to them about your ambitious future plans, whether at the professional or personal level, and touched you happiness and enthusiasm, you will immediately find them trying to make notes and caveats, highlighting fears and expecting black scenarios, only to turn your happiness in which you felt through your conversation into misery.

Unfortunately, these characters are always their “black color” thinking, anything before her puts a thousand interpretations and interpretation, and most importantly, it is a negative interpretation enveloped in assuming bad intentions from others, or based on conspiracy theories and plans.

Often none of this exists, but the problem of these types of human beings is that they overlook the thinking of black scenarios.

An annoying recipe in the Sudanese will be perceived by everyone who deals with them, which is that if you achieve success, achievement, or distinction in something, and you find crowds of people who rejoice with you, congratulate you, or praise you, the dark personalities may congratulate you, but it will be a reluctant congratulations wrapped in Sudanese, as you may say to you: “Congratulations, but …”, and after this “but” it will start with how to convert your happiness to It will enter you phases of depression and resentment.

These characters “absorb your soul”, steal your inner peace because they do not have one at all, but rather claim that. Here, the more you move away from it, the more you move away from the gloom and the stressful thinking of your mind, soul and yourself.

I absorb my words above who arrived at a stage of life with maturity and experience and include friction with various patterns, patterns and types of humans. I absorb my words who have experienced experiences with black personalities that I tired and exhausted.

We pray to God to keep these types away from you, and we pray for them to fix their souls and what is possible in their minds, for life is not limited to black color only.



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