Aluminum Company launched Bahrain. (Alba), a leader in safety in the global aluminum industry, the safety and health campaign for the blessed month of Ramadan under the slogan “Kholk Al -Bawi in the month of Ramadan”, on February 25, 2025 in the company’s safety, health and environment hall, and in the presence of members of the executive management, administrative managers, directors of departments, and employees of the various departments in the Alba. The campaign was launched before the holy month in order to enhance the safety and health of employees and contractors workers The company, through a variety of interactive activities, includes awareness lectures presented in attendance and the virtual platform by experts from outside and inside the company, as well as field visits to operating sites before breakfast and after it to enhance the fruitful interaction between the administration and employees in these sites. Educational lectures were held in conjunction with the beginning of the campaign from 25 to 27 February, where it included presentations on safety, Reducing food, nutrition and exercise during Ramadan. These lectures were presented by Dr. Masouma Kazem, psychiatrist and social counseling specialist at the Arab Open University, and Engineer Sadiq Rahma, a first environmental specialist at the Supreme Council for the Environment, along with the company’s employee and bodybuilding coach, Qasim Al -Hammam.