His Excellency Mr. Youssef Mohamed Al -Asas, Director General of Marine Resources, confirmed that the issuance of His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the personal representative of His Majesty the High King, Chairman of the Supreme Council for the Environment, Resolution No. (4) of 2025 to organize the Bahraini fisherman’s license to practice commercial marine fishing, and Resolution No. (6) of 2025 regarding hunting controls using window, skewers, prohibitions and fishing thread Environmental sustainability and preservation of marine resources in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Director General of Marine Resources said that these two decisions enhance the control system on the fishing sector, by setting clear criteria that grant licenses according to controls that ensure the preservation of fish stocks, indicating that the requirement of the presence of a Bahraini fisherman on the back of the fishing vessel, in addition to determining the number of permissible workers, will reduce random practices and enhance citizens’ opportunities in this The vital sector. His Excellency Mr. Youssef Mohamed Al -Asma, Director General of Marine Resources, added that the two decisions reflect the commitment of the Kingdom of Bahrain to achieve food security by organizing the benefit of marine wealth in a sustainable manner, in a way that ensures the continuity of fish resources for future generations, explaining that the implementation of the two decisions will be in stages that allow adaptation with the new amendments, while providing the necessary support to Bahraini fishermen according to the new organizational framework. Fishermen with hunting controls using nets, skewers, luck, and fishing threads (horse) to preserve the marine environment and prevent overfishing because of unlicensed machines or tools that are forbidden to fish, calling on fishermen and sea visitors to comply with the laws and decisions in force, and stop all practices that threaten the fish stock and harm the marine environment, in a way that contributes to ensuring the protection of marine wealth And its sustainability in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development. His Excellency Mr. Youssef Mohamed El -Osta, Director General of Marine Resources, stressed the importance of the existing cooperation between the relevant authorities and fishermen to ensure the implementation of the decision efficiently, noting the role played by the control agencies in reducing violations, and protecting the marine environment from attrition and deterioration, which contributes to enhancing the environmental balance and ensuring the sustainability of marine wealth for the future.
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