Home sports Jamal bin Huwairb: Knowledge is the basis of human building

Jamal bin Huwairb: Knowledge is the basis of human building


Jamal bin Huwairb, Executive Director of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Knowledge, said that the wise leadership of the UAE believes that knowledge is the basis for building a person and formulating a sustainable future, where reading is a fundamental pillar of this vision, and a key to promoting innovation and intellectual leadership, and from this standpoint, the month of reading represents a national occasion that embodies this firm commitment, and contributes to the consolidation of the habit of reading and motivating our societies to our societies Sustainable learning, which enhances the UAE’s position as a world -class lighthouse. He added: «Reading is not just a way to acquire information, but rather a bridge for communication between civilizations, a tool for refining thought, and a source of inspiration and creativity. Therefore, we are keen on



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