Home entertainment Village note: the message in the package

Village note: the message in the package


Samir Atallah

Nature dictionary of little words. Direct meanings. Simple and refined. Here, in the villages, we keep it all and we are still young. “Nature always prefers straight ways,” says your humble philosopher Ralph Emrson. When the fruit ripens; It falls. When the paper is completely equal; It also falls. Like a person like fruits, like trees: things are advanced to fall. To fall. ” The sad French song says, “The dry papers are collected in the baskets.” Its copy takes the shortest way, says its great interpreter, Emrson.

It is not the one discussing this matter here. Especially when the daytime is shortened, the rivers float, the darkness, and the nature goes to repeat its ideals: warmth, amateurs, but the bitterness of the cold. A brief and decisive lesson. She does not have time to dissipate here and there. She still has a long tour of the inhabitants of the river sector, the valley of Al -Sa`at, and the Al -Wawi (fox) hill in order to inform them of the messages and alerts of this period of the year: the cold and the treacherous ice is very sliding, and returning home before the darkness preceded you. Do not follow when returning. Do not contemplate the naked trees in search of anything. There is nothing on the trees before the annual date. And then, nature receives its lessons in all ways: thunder, lightning, black clouds, and heavy rain.

The planet – Emrason – is a simple, uncomplicated, simple machine. Nature does not have time because it is time. It is its sects that it distributes it like the vendors of perfumes. Drop, drop. The energies are distributed. Our life looks like a band, each plays its machine: the farmer presents the atom. The poet sings. Women contain wool. And children offer a bouquet of blossom.

* Quoted from the newspaper “Al -Sharq Al -Awsat”



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