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To strengthen the defense and security … the ratification of the security guarantees treaty between Belarus and Russia


Thursday 27/Feb 27/2025 – 03:09 AM

The Parliament in the Belarusian National Assembly approved the draft law to ratify the security guarantees treaty within the union’s state between Russia and Belarus, to enhance relations between the two sides, and to apply the principles of joint defense within the framework of the union state.

According to the Belarus News Agency, the Treaty of the Security Primations was signed within the Union’s state between Russia and Belarus by President Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the meeting of the Supreme Council of State in Minsk on December 6, 2024, and aims to enhance the security of Belarus and Russia within the joint defense area of ​​the Union’s state and give the official nature to mutual guarantees in the event of encroachments On the security of either side and the state of the union as a whole.

Development of Russian -Belarusian bilateral relations

The treaty states that the development of Russian -Russian bilateral relations in the field of security is not directed against other countries and will be implemented in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and the principles and other internationally recognized standards and standards of international law.

According to the treaty, the two parties undertake to support each other in all the agreed ways and means allowed under international law and take appropriate measures in the political, military and other fields in cases of infringement of the security of any of the two parties and the federal state as a whole, and these violations are understood that they mean creating or implementing a deliberate threat to the sovereignty of the parties and their independence or their constitutional system and safety and the sanctity of the lands of the federal state and its external borders by states Third, its societies, international organizations, terrorist and extremist organizations and groups.

Article 6 of the treaty organizes the use of nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation, including those spread in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, and the two parties believe that nuclear weapons are an important factor in preventing the outbreak of nuclear military conflicts and military conflicts using traditional destruction methods as well as a method of deterrence, and their use is an extremist and forced action.

The treaty also provides for the possibility of facing unlawful sanctions jointly, in the case of applying unilaterally restricted economic measures and other measures against any of the parties by third countries, their societies and international organizations, any party may initiate a considering counterattacks against these restrictions, including mutual support within the framework of the economic policy The national interests of each of the parties, as stated in the document.

The parties to the implementation of the treaty may govern separate agreements, and the parties agreed to appoint special representatives who meet at least twice a year to review the implementation of the treaty and propose the necessary measures to improve it on the heads of state if necessary, and the treaty was concluded for a period of 10 years, with a renewal of 10 years of consecutive periods.



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