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Call of the people of the qiblah: one nation and a common destiny


At the end of the Islamic Islamic Dialogue Conference hosted by the Bahraini capital, Manama, the conference launched an appeal entitled (Call of the people of the qiblah: one nation and a common destiny), and its beginning started that “the starting point of this call and its spirit is: the unity of the” Muslim nation “, which its Lord made one nation; It is the correct fixed premise – permanently – to achieve brotherhood among Muslims, which goes beyond the redefinition of themselves, or the extent of approximation And rapprochement among themselves, to understanding the requirements of their unity, in light of the challenges they face.

He stressed that the call did not ignore the aspects of sectarian difference or its reasons that require it, as removing the difference is not a goal for it, but rather the necessity of preserving the Islamic brotherhood, and attention to it is “scientific and media”, with the approval of the legitimacy of sectarian difference, based on the golden rule in our heritage, which says “We cooperate As we agreed on it, and we excuse each other as we disagreed about it.

The call of Islamic brotherhood comes with the aim of encouraging scientific and sectarian understanding, and launching the freedom of scientific meetings and supporting them by all available means, with permanent vigilance of the claims of division, sedition and rivalry, and dealing with them as a danger that is lurking in the nation and its entity and unity, so what is restricted by Muslims, and is directed against them from the colors of targeting, aggression, It is a common challenge that threatens everyone, and seeks To plant thorns on the way to their unity and their advancement.

The call indicated that the premises that he adhere to are the Holy Qur’an, the One of the Nation, and its prophet Muhammad – may God bless him and his family – the seal of the prophets and the messengers, are the source of the religion of the nation, its vision, its belief, and its historical mission, while emphasizing the legitimacy of the difference in understanding, opinion and position As a divine cosmic year, human nature, and a social and historical law, not Muslims are an exception.

The call also indicated that freedom is the assignment and the essence of responsibility. God has granted man freedom of thought and action, and made it the abundance of his assignment, and the basis of his assumption of honesty. And if the Qur’an has guaranteed the freedom of choice between the religion by the Almighty saying:﴿ Say the truth from your Lord, then whoever wants, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him be atoned (Al -Kahf: 29), then its priority in the gold and the choice of the religious approach is first and more.

The call pointed out that mutual respect between the imams of the sects and their followers is legally stipulated, and is now combined with the virtue of this inclusive call -God willing, and that “all Muslims ourselves”, as God Almighty said, “Massive your soul” (Al -Nur: 61), and that each of them is part From the one body of the nation, and an inherent component of its components, From other Islamic schools.

The call called for an affirmation of the immediate and necessary stopping of insulting the symbols of any doctrine or offending them, or offending the Muslim in any way, because of his doctrine, or his opinions, warning of the positions and speeches of some preachers or preachers and reporters who have not had enough knowledge of the conditions and reality of their nation Hate between Muslims and deepening the division between them, represents a danger to the fabric of one nation and threatened For his safety and harmony, present and future.

The call of the Islamic brotherhood stressed that achieving this call for its purpose, and reaching its goal, in terms of restoring the spirit of the one nation really, needs to be reminded of a number of total principles, ruling values, and due procedures, which we call for faithful, and most notably that the unity of the nation is a covenant and a charter.

And that the understanding and cooperation in achieving the requirements of the Islamic brotherhood is a duty of all Muslims, and that the Islamic dialogue required today, which the nation needs is not a ideological or approximate dialogue, but rather a constructive dialogue that absorbs the elements of many unity, in the face of common challenges. With adherence to the etiquette and morals of dialogue. In addition to the regeneration of Islamic discourse, the necessity to expel discord, and to isolate the precious extreme voices in every sect.

He also called for the joint cooperation between religious, scientific, intellectual and media references to confront the culture of hatred and hatred among Muslims from the most obligatory duties, and to wisdom and boldness in self -criticism of some statements because the intellectual and cultural heritage in all Muslim schools is not without jurisprudence errors that should be exceeded.

And that the scholars and the elite of the people of thought and opinion are directed to understanding, it is the most effective way to transform public opinion from the masses of Muslims to the same destination, and that the major Islamic scientific institutions are called for a comprehensive scientific project, which counts all issues of agreement between Muslims in belief, law and values. It is a project that will have a great impact on the nation’s knowledge of itself, reforming the perception of each other, developing its common Islamic culture, and strengthening its humanitarian call.

Likewise, then a maximum necessity to save the message of Islam and its speech, from the disputes and pressure of the political dispute, but rather its tendency to distort the values ​​of religion and its provisions to invest in the narrow, partisan interesting interests. In this context, the press and the media bear its various means – especially the communication platforms – a great trust and a great responsibility for overcoming the conflict speech between Muslims, and not raising its causes and tendencies.



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