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Eduwave link Noor System for Student Results 1446 with ID number and method of inquiries


The rate of search for the Eduwave link has increased by the Nour system for students ’results with the ID number through which students can identify their results through which it was officially announced today, Thursday, February 20. The Ministry of Education has made this service to provide the time and effort of students, as they will not need To go to schools to see the result.

link Eduwave Nour system for students ’results 1446 with identity number

The Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced today the issuance of the results of the second semester on the platform of the Nour system, and can be found through following the following steps:

  • Go to a site Nour educational system.
  • Log in by entering the password and user name.
  • In the absence of a registered account on the platform, click on “Create a new account”.
  • Choosing “the second semester”.
  • Enter the required data such as the national identity number and the quadrilateral name in the places designated for them.
  • Click on “View the result”.
  • All the details of the result will appear on the screen.

Noor system number to inquire about the results

After we got acquainted with the steps of inquiries via the Eduwave link Noor system for students ’results 1446 with the ID number, we make it clear that the system can provide numbers by submitting all inquiries or complaints by students and parents as it is also possible to identify the results and monthly evaluation, and these numbers are the number The unified system of the 19996 system, the number 00966114753000.

Nour System Services 1446

The Nour Educational System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides many voicing services that students and their parents need, including the following:

  • Students ’follow -up follow -up service without the need to go to schools.
  • Providing detailed reports on student performance in various subjects.
  • Parents can follow the performance of their children via the platform and learn about their academic level.


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